Room with a view
Another perspective of a familiar shot
I was up at 5:50am on another very clear morning in Columbus. A waning half moon was sharing the predawn sky with that very bright star that I’ve yet to identify in the southeast. At one point I assumed it to be a planet, but it doesn’t move that much so I don’t expect that it is. Maybe someone else knows...?
Being a bit behind from the outset, I had to be mindful of the clock but still not rushed. I had already placed my garbage can at the curb the night before so there was no suspense or worry on that front. The walk that Ykraps and I took was a pleasurable one under the sprawling and clear predawn sky.
I was happy that I’d taken the time to stop at Wal-Mart to restock the few missing ingredients for my lunch the night before. Often I will forego such a trip and regret it in the morning once the reality of a less than expected lunch settles in. I have become addicted to my mixture of fresh walnuts, almonds, and cashews. They really hit the spot for a mid-morning pre-run snack.
Before departing for work I snuck in a little guitar playing since tonight was lesson night. After all, I wouldn’t want to embarrass myself in front of Josh. I also took a few minutes to take some pics from my deck. I love taking spring morning pictures.
I arrived at work right on time and took a moment to smell the fragrant crab apple trees that are in full bloom at the building's entrance. Ahh… the smell of spring! Work was demanding. I had to be nimble and sharp to stay on top of all that was occurring. There was little wiggle room and certainly no room for slackers!
I left for my run at 1235pm hell bent on getting out during the best part of the day – my favorite time to run. The sun was warm and again it was a ‘no shirt’ day. Slowly but surely, I’m turning a tanner shade of pale. I ran today with my MP3 player too, which I haven’t done in quite some time. It was nice!
I returned to my office with lunch in hand at exactly 1:47pm. I joyfully ate my lunch while catching up on the latest happenings around the globe. After my lunch I jumped head first back into the things that I do to pay my bills – work. I want to mention that the temperature peaked at 80 degrees today for the first time. I was at it until 5:10pm when I gracefully excused myself for the day. I was determined to be home on time for my guitar lessons.
Once home I rushed (yuck) through my chores so that I could relax for a few minutes before my lesson commenced. I noticed that Josh pulled up early but sat outside in his car as he often does. He finally came in about ten minutes early, which was perfectly fine with me. After some chit chat we got right down to business. I played the “Jimmy Song’ for him and he was impressed. He asked me to dress it up a bit with a verse, chorus, and bridge, and then think about adding some lyrics. Afterwards we played Pigs on the Wing, Green Eyes, and Hotel California together. It helps tremendously hearing someone else play these songs so I can get a better feel. After all that we wrapped up for the day and Josh departed.
After he left I puttered around the house for a few then got out all the ingredients to make guacamole. I’d never made it before, and had never as much as even handled an avocado. I had no idea what to expect. Thankfully, I had a reputable guide for the recipe – Alton Brown. My recipe is rather simple. I consider a recipe nothing more than a guide and certainly not a mandate. The primary ingredients are: avacados, onion, cumin, garlic, tomatoes, salt, and lime juice. Peeling the avacados was very easy, and I suppose that was because they were more than ripe! I changed a few things and kicked it up a notch by adding jalapeƱos and some kick ass hot sauce. I must say, I only sampled a little tonight but it was damn good and every bit as good as El Vaquero’s! However, I know that since I’m the ‘cook’, I can’t be considered a critical judge. I’ll leave the judging to others this weekend.
After making my Guacamole, I played more guitar then updated my blog. I talked to Mindy around 9pm but only for a short time since I planned to be in bed by 9:30pm. At 9:30pm I did just that. I went to bed. Before slowly dozing off, I did some reading but only about two or three pages.
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