Monday morning sun up!
What a difference a couple of days makes
An old houseplant impersonating an outdoor plant (check out the pot)
Here we go again… We were once again bitten by the overnight thunderstorm bug only to wake with the promise of clearing skies and sunshine later in the morning. However, the temperature, while still mild, was expected to slip a little more than yesterday, with an expected high of only 62 degrees.
I was out of bed feeling fully rested even before 5:30am. And thanks to modern science the anti-inflammatory’s did their magic on my stiff, achy, and over used and shoulders. I whizzed through my exercises and lashed up Ykraps for our usual morning walk. The rain was still coming down at a pretty good clip so I pulled my umbrella from behind the front porch planter where I have kept it stashed for months on end.
Even in spite of the rain we managed to have a very enjoyable walk. Too, the rains, I noticed, left many a earth worm crawling about the sidewalks. Some where as big as Ykraps, himself. I think I squished one or two. Before going back in the house I took a quick glance about my lawn. It has grown considerably over the past three or four days thanks in no small part to the combination of fertilizer, rain, and abundant warm sunshine. Spring is definitely off to a good start.
After some coffee and meditation I sent Mindy a quick email carefully avoiding small talk about the weather. She’s recently informed me that she prefers oozy emails to begin her day and needs only her own eyes to get a sense for the weather. I told her that I wouldn’t go on about the storm we had overnight. J
Soon I was in the kitchen packing my lunch and preparing my breakfast. I noted that I needed to plan a Wal-Mart stop for lunch items to carry me through the week. By 7:00am I was in the shower carefully washing off the dried & dead skin cells I had processed the day and night before. I was ready for my day by 7:25am which meant I had plenty of time for guitar and/or picture taking, so I did both. I even managed to pay a couple of bills I had forgotten to pay the day prior.
As I drove to work the sky was already clearing and the sun shot up giving rise to another bright spring morning. Along the way I called Mindy who sounded as if I had woken her from a deep sleep. Darn!! She wasn’t feeling the greatest due mostly to it being that time of the month. This was luckily another day of no school for SWCS teachers. I should’ve become a teacher! Let’s analyze – shall we?
I start my career admittedly a bit underpaid, but on average I eventually catch up to my professional counterparts. I am incented to return to school in pursuit of my Master’s with the promise of increased pay.
I get a guaranteed raise yearly (contract specific)
I get all the ‘normal’ paid holidays; TG, Labor Day, Memorial Day, etc…
I get a few ‘snow days’ each year
I get 10 sick days each year
I get 3 personal holidays each year
I get a 2 week Xmas vacation
I get a 1 week Spring vacation (not Easter)
I get Good Friday and the day after Easter off
I get 11 weeks off in the summer!
My typical work day begins at 9am and ends at 3pm.
I get to rid myself of problematic minions each year
I don’t pay into Social Security
I can retire after 30 years of service.
Where do I sign up?
Work was fast and furious once again. I knew it walking in the door, however, so it’s not like I was surprised. I worked hard and stretched the morning out till almost 2:30pm when I finally broke away for my afternoon/lunchtime run. By then the temperature had risen to 65 degrees and the sky was brilliantly clear. There was, however a chilly breeze blowing out of the northeast. Still, it was very comfortable. Plus, it was nice to have the wind at my back on the way out for once. By the time I was back from the run, showered and at my desk, it was 3:30pm, which left a short hour and one half to the finish line by any measure.
Once 5:05pm hit I was out the door towards home. It felt good to get out of the office on time and not feel the burden of on-call weighing on my shoulders. Tonight would quickly tend to a few of my routine chores then head to Mindy’s for dinner. She was preparing a nice steak dinner for all of us.
I took care of several different things while at home and was on my way to Mindy’s by 6:05pm. I chose to take a different route wanting to avoid the Wal-Mart traffic on Trabue if I could, but as it turned out, the traffic on Roberts Rd. was as bad or even worse. In fact, I know it was worse. It took 22 minutes to get to Mindy’s. Dinner was just about ready when I arrived. After a loving greeting we all sat for our dinner and Jacob lead us in prayer as he often does. I made quick work of the steak, salad, and asparagus. Everything was tasty! After we finished dinner Jacob, Bella and I headed out back to play some ball before the sun dipped down below the horizon. It was noticeably cooler without the sun shining like earlier. Unfortunately, the house directly behind Mindy’s blocks the sun after about 7pm this time of year.
After about 20 minutes of play and long enough for Mindy to get dinner cleaned up, we returned inside where Jacob asked me to put together his Spiderman village. I agreed. Meanwhile, Mindy received a call from a young lady she’d met that was selling an elliptical machine for what Mindy deemed as a fair price. She was ready with help to load it in her car if she could come over now. I agreed to stay home with the kids while she headed out. She was gone no longer than twenty minutes – just long enough for me to complete the Spiderman village. Once she returned I helped her get the machine from her van into the garage. We’d have to move it to her bedroom later. It’s pretty heavy and definitely clumsy.
By now it was 8pm, time for Jacob and Bella’s bedtime. They were very tired after a nap-less day. They were both asleep minutes after their little heads found their pillows. After they were down, Mindy I found our way to the sofa where we talked about our Florida rip, work, and about my daughter Ashley. I rose and left for home at 10:10pm. I had little I had to do before going to bed but didn’t manage to get there until nearly 11pm. Like the kids, I was asleep within minutes of my head hitting the pillow.
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