I woke a number of times through the night exhausted but feeling lucky that there were still several hours left before needing to rise. The last time I remember looking at the clock it was around 4:30am and I remember thinking, "oh good, I have another full hour to sleep", so I happily closed my eyes and drifted back to sleep. But sadly, I didn’t wake again until 6:20am. What’s worse, I felt even sleepier!. Not just tired, but DOG tired! I gave serious consideration to calling my boss and taking a personal day. But that, of course, is not my nature. Instead, I sucked it up and got busy with my exercises thinking that I’d snap out of my funk in short order.
However, during and after exercising I continued feeling fatigued, so once again I gave a moment’s consideration to staying home and resting. But once again, I opted not. After walking Ykraps and sucking down a couple of cups of coffee I began to snap out of it. And by the time I had packed my lunch and eaten my breakfast, I was feeling at least well enough to go about my work day.
I knew because of my late get-up time that I would be late for work, so there was no sense in hurrying. There was nothing hurrying would do other than get me frustrated. And besides, anyone that knows me, knows that I hate to be rushed! When it was all said and done, I had an uplifting morning and still made it to work by 830am. Not too bad.
At work the day began kind of slow but eventually picked up just as most Monday’s do. I was still dealing with a foggy head, however, but that would simply have to be tolerated and worked through. Come lunch time/run time the only remnants were stiff legs and a slightly achy back. But I ran through it, of course. And because it was a Monday, and I hadn’t done it since Friday, it was a lifting day. I should probably note that my aching back was primarily my shoulders which ached, I’m sure, from the increased weight I’m lifting. But, if I intend on looking a bit more carved, more weight or more reps are necessary. So lift I did. Surprisingly, I was no worse for the wear. The increased weight went much easier than expected. I am already adjusting. The butterflies are the most painful. There I increased the weight 33% with the same amount of reps.
The afternoon blew by. I could hardly believe that the day was over. It was 5:00pm before I knew it. This was a Mindy Monday so I gave Princess a call to see what was up. It turns out, she was still at school. This was a class night for her. She projected her arrival to be 6:00pm-ish. Cool! That left me plenty of time to complete my nightly chores before her arrival. I had everything done by 5:52pm and still no Mindy. I took advantage and spent the next 15 minutes updating my blog and downloading weekend pictures.
Mindy arrived just as I finished downloading the weekend entries. She was more than anxious to see the many pictures we took Saturday night during our symphony date. They turned out very nice. To satisfy our nightly hunger, we made hot wings. And my hot wings are some of the best. An hour and twenty minutes later, we were eating wings and celery with a blue cheese/ranch combo dip.
We spent the remainder of our Monday evening together talking, and Mindy even through in a back run to curtail my whinny ways. She has become very familiar with the location of “my knots”. When she finished I felt like a new man! At 9:10pm Mindy headed home, and I made a beeline for my painting project. There I spent the next hour applying a second coat to roughly ¼ of the bed. It was just about 10:20pm and I was getting sleepy. I rinsed my brush, grabbed my book and collapsed onto my bed. And after reading about three pages I drifted off to sleep.
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