I didn't look or feel too good when I got up this morning.
I tell you what, some of the folks I work with are real stiffs!
I was up just ahead of 5:30am like many days in the recent past. Today would much resemble a Monday. In fact, my second Monday of the week. Blah! I had that weekend hangover all over again. This is yet another reason why I do not like to stay home from work, ill or not. I feel so gloomy when I do. I get lazy and unmotivated, and that goes against everything I believe in. However, my emotions aside, the quality and quantity of rest garnered over the past two days did me a world of good.
I knocked out my routine and was ready for the shower by 7:10am. When 7:30am rolled around I was sitting restfully on the arm of my reading chair strumming away at my guitar. I really needed the extra few minutes to get in the proper frame of mind for a return to the grind. If memory serves me, I spoke with Mindy for several minutes prior to arriving at work. She would be heading to the doctor today, and having my daughter Lindsey child sit while she'd be gone.
Work started a little rough and I took a few ribbings for being off work the past 1.5 days. After all, I give everyone else shit for calling off. The activity got intense rather fast and before I knew it, I was knee deep in alligators. I often have to ask myself after being a out a few days if it's really like this everyday. The answer is almost assuredly yes. The scary thing is while on the merry-go-round. we often don't realize how stressful it gets until we're away for a while. Only then do we see the chaos.
I spoke to Mindy a couple of times via email but the pace of work was so feverish I kept any personal business to an absolute minimum. I did learn mid-morning that not only would Lindsey be watching Mindy kids but my GD, Kaileigh would be going over too. She loves me and really seems to like Mindy. Subsequently, I called her daddy to make arrangements to pick Kaileigh up this weekend. I haven't had her over in about 6 weeks. I miss her. That raised my spirits!
Off for my run some time around 1pm (late). The sky couldn't decide if it wanted to be cloudy or clear. It was about 55 degrees though, much warmer than its been, so I was more than thrilled. I was done and back at my office by 2:05pm. I had a couple of afternoon meetings to attend so I made quick work of my lunch. The afternoon flew by, but when don't they? Rarely!
Come 5:10pm I was heading out the door. The evening was shaping up nicer than the entire day. The sky was clearing and allowing the evening sun to warm the air. Mindy and I arrived at my home at almost the exact same time. This, after all, was a Mindy Wednesday. The plan tonight was to load some wings into the oven then go for yet another run together. We followed through. This time we went almost 50% (best guess) further than we did on Sunday morning. I was proud of Mindy's determination. Hope fully she'll keep at it.
When we returned we finished baking the wings and Mindy cut some celery stalks as an accompaniment. By the time the wings were ready to serve they ended up being some of the best ever - no kidding! We both thought so.
Immediately after cleaning up our dinner dishes we prepped the hot tub and did some tubbing for about half an hour. The weather was simply ideal for such fun. The temperature was mild and the stars were shining brightly - no moon though. Today was the first full solar eclipse in several years. unfortunately, it wasn't visible from the US. You would have had to be in South America or Africa to enjoy its mystique.
After tubbing we retreated to the family room floor for some pure relaxation until 9:29pm, when we tuned into American Idol just in time to see who got nixed. It was Lisa. Mindy guessed correctly. Good call! Off with the tele.
After some further snuggling Mindy up and readied to leave. I blogged. secured the home, filled my water bowl, ugh - I mean glass, and went to bed.
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