It was bound to happen sooner or later. In fact, I’m surprised I haven’t done this more often. Some of you may remember that I keep my bedroom clock running 2 hours and 11 and one half minutes fast. I can’t really explain why but it’s just evolved over time and I’m quite used to it. I
do know this. I like waking up and realizing that I have more time left to sleep than my waking eyes first determine.
Today something was amiss with my math, however. I jumped out of bed just as the clock struck 6:42am thinking that it was time to rise and shine. After peeing and brushing my teeth it dawned on me that I had likely just jumped out of bed in a hurry for nothing. If my memory served me, it was only 4:30am instead of 5:30am. A recheck of the clock confirmed my hunch. But no worries! I plopped right in back in bed where I snuck in another hours worth of shut-eye.
I woke again right at 5:30am real EST. This time I didn’t bother re-brushing my teeth or peeing again. I was still clean and clear! :) Instead, I marched right downstairs to begin my Monday morning work prep routine. My eyes were noticeably stingy, watery, and red. It seemed as if I had a cold in my eyes. But after dousing my eyes with some lubricating drops I went about my morning routine just as any other day.
I was well rested after plenty of sleep but still felt a bit stiff and achy. I worked right through it as I always do. There’s little room in my life for laziness or feeling ill. It’s largely mind of matter, and the mind always wins!
I exercised, meditated, walked with Ykraps, emailed and surfed, made breakfast and lunch, just as I always do. But for whatever reason, I was dragging behind a little. After whipping out a shower and dressing for work, I had not time to play, which disappointed me a little. Instead, I had to hurry on my way, and everyone knows how much I hate to hurry.
My effort to hurry ensured that I was at the office before 8am as I am on most days. Hey, it’s a roll model thing! Once in my office things began heating up quickly. After all, it was a Monday. A quick review of my daily scheduled revealed that I’d have to work outside the box a little today. Because of back to back afternoon meetings, I’d have to run well before noon which I only do on very rare occasions these days. It used to be that I’d run every day at 11:30am but that’s changed over the past two years or so.
At 11:45am sharp, I was in the gym readying for a run. It was only about 26 degrees too so I had to bundle up in my usual three winter layers. Because it was so sunny and the fact that the sun’s sitting higher in the sky, I began to roast on the return despite the chilly temps and cool breeze. I had to loose the gloves and unzip the jackets to get some air circulating. Another sure sign that spring is in the air!
I made it back to my office just in time to make my 1pm meeting. That meeting lasted right up until 3pm when I had to jump into yet another meeting that lasted only one half hour. Through all the meetings and chaos, I didn’t get to eat my lunch until well into the 3pm meeting, which was a conference call mtg.
I wrapped up work related issues by 5:10pm and was out the door directly. Once on the road to home I placed call to Mindy who was just hoping on the freeway on her way to my house from school. I arrived only minutes before she did. Just as I began my chores, Mindy arrived. Together we took Ykraps on his evening walk. Along our walk we ran into some folks that Mindy knew through her ex that live in my neighborhood. They seemed really nice.
After returning to my house we made some dinner. On the menu tonight was chili, corn muffins, and salad. Mindy chose to enjoy a glass of wine with her meal. I chose water. Her wine of choice this evening was a Shiraz-Grenache mixture by Yellowtail. My water was a mixture too concocted by the City of Columbus. It was a blend of artesian and sewer, and fresh spring waters with hints of nitrates that finish strong with an aroma of chlorine and fluoride.
After our dinner Mindy gave mea killer back rub. My upper back spasms just don’t stand a chance against her. I must admit, my back hasn’t been in this good of shape for a number of years. In return for her kindness, I gave her one too as we relaxed by a fire. Soon, Mindy’s cell phone rang. It was her good school teacher friend, Keri. She had just picked up her new car and wanted ot come over to show Mindy. I could over hear the excitement in her voice. Couldn’t help but be excited for her. Soon Keri showed up in her new Honda SUV, a Honda Pilot. This thing was fully loaded: leather, DVD player, rear heat/cooling, etc. Keri was so excited and drove the two of us around my subdivision for almost an hour (kidding). It was only for about 5 minutes. When we got back we snuggled up by the fire and enjoyed each others company more. Mindy up and left sometime after 9pm. I did little else aside from reading in bed until I fell fast asleep.
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