pics: fork in the road, half a moon rock
My goals were simple. Enjoy yourself, friends, the weather, and the season. I think that I accomplished my weekend goals. Today, however, my focus had to be on my return to work. I really enjoy my job, but it's just that I enjoy Jim time even more. I told myself to go to work, be the work, do the work, then go home! And, hey, it was comforting to get up and realize that even though this was my first day back after the weekend, it was already Tuesday. One day closer to the next weekend. That's a sad outlook, isn't it? True, regardless.
I had to take a double look at the clock when I got back from my morning walk with Sparky. You see, the stars were still out in full dress giving one the impression that it might be the middle of the night. Turns out it wasn't. It was time to be up and about. You see, I don't use an alarm. Never have. Instead, I just do a one eyed time check and then get up. Over the years it has served me well. I have it down to a science. My body just seems to know when it's time to rise. However, as my eyes age, my morning vision has worsened dramtically and it's not unheard of for me to mistake the time, get up, pee, brush my teeth, meander down stairs, begin my routine, only to realize that it's still the middle of the night. It happens a few times each year.
My work day was realitvely successful. I completed the electronic paperwork required to make officia loffers to two candidates to fill my two openings. I am really excited for the two that I chose. One is an in-house transfer while the other is a new hire from outside. That should make for good team chemistry. Before I knew it was time for my run. I was a bit stiff today and I know why too. Anytime I walk 18 holes of golf, my legs and ankles a smidgeon stiff for a couple of days. I think that proves that you use entirely different "small" muscles when you walk versus when you run. No big deal, but I can always tell.
I emailed brother Glenn today to propose a trip down to the Northern California coast to see the Sequioias or the Redwood forest on my visit whihc is coming up in about 8 or 9 weeks. That is something I have never done but have always wanted to do. I'll be content simply pubbing and taking in the town if we can't organize such a trip, but I don't know when it would be any more convenient in my life than it would be when I am out there this november. it can't be more than an 8 hour drive - maybe less. We'll see.
Ashley called me today form her new job. She apologized for missing my b-day and for not calling in almost a month. No worries, I was 19 once too. My parents were the furthest thing from my mind at the time. I love her with a pssion. She's my baby and an awful lot like me in spirit. She told me thatshe won't be in school this fall because she's on academic probation. Shame, shame Ashley Marie! But she'll figure it out, I am certain. I have the utmost confidence that she will!
I got in my hot tub shortly after 9PM. And for some reason it felt absolutely splendid. Sure, it always feels good, but tonight it felt that much better!
guitar, email, blogging... to bed
Special notes...
Thanks Vicki for sharing your inspirational link. I've been visiting frequently. In fact, I have added it to my favorite links section. I want to encourage others to stop in and read, "Today's DailyOM" I think that you'll enjoy most, if not all, of them.
CuzLiz - if you're out there. Send me your new email address.
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