Thursday, April 28, 2011

Bones, Barleys & Rainbows

I was up on time. I was hoping I might see at least partially clearing skies but it wasn’t to be. Instead, nothing but clouds. At least it wasn’t raining. I proceeded with calisthenics.  I felt good after taking another 4 Advil just before bed. After calisthenics I spent about five minutes online. The forecast called for a chance of storms with the biggest chance yet that morning. At the time it was 50 degrees with a strong wind – about 20 mph. Expecting a high of 62 degrees.

Headed out with Eiknarf at 550a. We walked to the west. She did a lot of sniffing on the way out. Didn’t take care of her business until the walk back. Inside, I poured coffee and enjoyed it in front of the PC where I read the Daily OM and pre NFL draft scuttle. I checked my investment portfolio too. The markets have been performing well of late. Up, up, up!

Spent a solid 20 minutes in meditation and stretching. Both went fairly well. Delivered Mindy’s coffee next. Mindy shared, in no uncertain terms, that she needs more skin time. Yes dear. I left Eiknarf with Mindy and headed back downstairs to ready for my run.

I dressed warmly. Wore my pull over fleece. I ran the full 4.1 miles. Felt good. Time passed slowly, though, especially the first 3 miles. Back at the house, I rolled our trash can back to its home. Thanks to the strong winds overnight, lots of the giant green trash cans were lying over in the road this AM.

Mindy made scrambled eggs again. I topped mine with cheese and then some of that peach mango salsa. Jacob had eggs again too. He coated his in the hot salsa. Mindy left for school after giving Jacob some teacher-type advice for the OAA testing slated for later that day. "Don't doubt your first answer and don't change it unless you're absolutely positive."  Something like that.

I was off to the shower just after 730a. All clean and shiny, I was back downstairs by 749a. Jacob was busy pestering Bella. After several pleas for him to stop I had no choice but to interject parental control. It didn't cease until I threatened to take his airsoft guns away for an entire week. Aren't kids' toys great? You buy it. They get hooked. You then use it as a control device. I remember not so long ago, a teenage Lindsey espousing more than once that the only reason I ever bought her anything was just so I could take it away. 
Of course that's not true, but it does work out that way sometimes - OK, a lot!

We headed for the bus stop at our usual time. Can't recall whether it was Chrissy or Kenny out with the girls. Our wait was brief. After the bus swooped up the kids I headed back home with Eiknarf. I packed my iTouch, lunch, and phones then headed off to work. It was a Rachel day. She didn't make it on Tuesday as scheduled due to illness. This was the make-up day.

Not only was it Thursday, but it was NFL draft day too. I was excited to find out who the Vikings would select with the 12th pick overall. Of course it wouldn't start until 7 or 8p, but there was a lot of build up and scuttle leading up to it on ESPN radio .

The sky transitioned between clouds and sun for most of the day. The morning was slow to warm. Hovered in the low 50s all morning long.

Work, meanwhile, was busy enough that time whizzed by. I wanted to get away for lunch and held fast to that goal. I left the office at 1245p destined for Darby Creek Nursery, which is located directly across the street from the Hilliard soccer fields. I was curious to see if they had any large burning bush in stock. Strader's had some burning bushes but they were much too small to work in my mature landscape.

I might've been the only customer walking their grounds. That was nice. In a week or so, and once the weather breaks, all the local nurseries will be zoo-like. I found some burning bushes about the same size as the ones at Straders. Moving on, out amongst their trees, I found a cache of much larger ones, and equal to the size of my existing bushes. Perfect! They were priced at $50 each. Not bad considering the ones a 1/4 their size were $40. I contemplated folding the rear seats down in the Trooper and moving the few items I haul around to the front passenger seat so I could pick-up a couple of them right then. I thought better of it, thinking I'd come back possibly Saturday with dad's trailer. I definitely want to get them home and planted within the next week.

I headed back to work. My stomach was growling fiercely. During my drive back to the office I decided that I would almost certainly head back to Darby Creek Nursery on Friday to pick-up the two burning bushes, but only after stowing the contents of the Trooper in the garage before heading off to work. That way it would be bush-ready.
As big as they are, two of them will just fit.

Back at the office I washed my hands thoroughly. Not only had I touched lots of plants, but I handled several fertilizer type products, too. I woofed down my lunch, including the salad Mindy packed for me. Like most salads she makes, it contained as much meat as it did lettuce and such. It was very filling.

The afternoon went along as planned. Things quieted down a bit earlier than usual. I left for home around 520p, this a Jimaken Thursday. Mindy and I planned to dine at Barleys.
Got home around 540p. Mindy was out walking Eiknarf at the time. The house was sparkling clean, which is always a pleasant thing to come home to. Mindy & Eiknarf were back home in a jiffy. She and I readied for Barley's leaving the house just before 6p.

Barley's parking lot was no more than half full. Unusual. We parked near the entrance. Like the lot, the bar was equally barren. No more than 8 or 9 patrons around sitting around the bar. We bellied up to the bar with direct view of one of their flat panel TVs. We were both a little surprised that Janet was tending bar, now just two days before her Saturday wedding.

She poured me a Centennial and Mindy a St Joan's Revenge nitro. Sitting next to us was Tom the Mary Kay guy, and Rick and John, two older gentlemen that are frequently in on Thursday evenings. We talked with Stefanie, a newer manager. She introduced us to Zach, a brand new manager replacing tall Dan. Unlike many past Barley managers, he was very friendly from jump. We talked with him for at least 30 minutes. Turns out, his girlfriend is Kate, one of our favorite bar tenders at CBC. Zach's worked in a few of Cameron Mitchell's venues. Eager to try something new.

Mindy & I both ordered food. Me? I ordered the Thursday special, a smoked reuben and fries. Mindy ordered K.C. wings. Unusual for her. I had a second Centennial pretty quick but switched to water thereafter. I planned to drive home so Mindy could have a 2nd St Joan's.

We left for home around 8p. Jacob phoned just as we were leaving the parking lot. They were already out front at home awaiting our return. Inside, we immediately turned the TV to Idol elimination night missing the beginning. I fell asleep about 15 minutes in and didn't wake until they had the bottom three. Amongst them was Casey, which I found a little surprising since he may very well be the most talented of the entire bunch.

Yep, Casey was the unlucky one. Sent home. Again, you've got to consider who's doing the majority of the voting. Mindy sent the kids to bed after Idol while we stayed tuned to FOX watching Bones. We headed up to bed at its conclusion.

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