OK... it's not MY list but you get the picture!
OK… this is becoming a habit. I was up once again sometime around 3:30am feeling entirely rested. This time, however, we both were awakened by Bella. I couldn’t return to sleep, so I once again got up and went downstairs to read.
I read for a shorter spell than the previous two days and slowly but surely drifted back to sleep. I stayed downstairs until it was well past my usual rise time. I jumped to my feet at about 5:45am and got going.
It was miserable out of doors. It was raw and rainy. After my usual exercises Ykraps and I ventured out into the rain together. Squish-squish describes it well.
After some meditation, coffee, lunch, breakfast, and shower, I was all but ready to depart for work. Before leaving I spent some time playing guitar like always and then just like clock work, bolted for the office.
My morning was painstakingly busy, and because of more interviews, I knew that my afternoon would be equal to the task. I left for a run a little early budgeting my time according. And as luck would have it, it was raining nicely at that time too. I got soaked but I didn’t mind too much. For the most part, I am impervious to water. I came with a protective coating that replenishes itself about every 28 days.
After a return to my office I made very quick work of my brought food. I had to hurry. My interviewees were waiting downstairs.The interviews went until well past 3pm. The rest of the day was very busy. I ended up in a lengthy discussion with a peer until wel lpast 5:00pm. I nfact, I didn't leave for home until after 5:30pm. And yes, it was still raining.
This was a Mindy Wednesday with the the choir practice caveat. Mindy had a nice pork chop dinner ready for the two of us. We didn't have long before she had to go. She left the house at 6:45pm. I was scared what the evenign might be like once the kids returned. As you may recall, last choir practice Wednesday didn't go so well. The plan as Mindy explained was for Jim to bring the kids home around 7:30pm - a full half hour later than ususal. I figured ot avoid some of the trauma of last week. Anyhow, they arrived at about 7:20pm. Jaocb, as he often is, was a bit stand-offish while his dad was present. But nothing more than one would expect from a young lad. After Jim departed both kids were exceptionally well-behaved. They didn't challenge my authority at all. They did ask to eat some Halloween candy before readying for bed, which I agreed to. Short of that they were little angels. We went through the entire process quickly and happily. Jacob & Bella each read, and then we did the brush and tuck.
It was exactly 8:00pm. I changed into my own pajammas then slipped back downstairs to relax. Mindy arrived home right after 8:30pm. I think that she was as surprised as me at how quiet the house was. I gave her thumbs-up report on the kids behavior. Soon they heard her voice and beckoned for her attention. She quickly obliged then returned downstairs where we chatted about our coming trip, Lindsey, us, and other miscellaneous stuff.
Mindy headed up to bed around 9:45pm and I popped some corn and snuggled up in my chair for a little reading. But I did more sleeping than reading. I found my own way to bed around 10:40pm.
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