Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Celebrating V-Day early

I was up at 5:30am even after a very poor night’s sleep. I never did reach the much coveted deep sleep, but instead tossed and turned all night long. I knew that I’d be OK, though. I brushed my teeth, grabbed my running clothes and headed downstairs.

The house was chilly, especially lying on the family room floor doing sit-ups. But I survived it! After finishing my exercises I was headed out the door with Ykraps. It was still only 5:50am. It was plenty cold. The snow turned to sleet and freezing rain through the evening hours but changed back to pure snow in the wee hours of the morning. The icy stuff was topped with about one half inch of fresh snow.

As he often does, Ykraps struggled to poop in the wintry conditions. I knew he had to but he couldn’t/didn’t. He relies so heavily on his sense of smell, much more than any dog I’ve known (and boy have I known some real dogs :)). So, when the ice and snow completely isolate the earth, he’s in trouble. And as it turns out, we’re often in trouble too.

Mindy & the kids were hopeful that school would be canceled a second day in a row. But the temperature was already 20 degrees and the wind almost nonexistent. However, Columbus Public did cancel. I was really surprised. I guess it had more to do with the ice under the snow than it did anything else. Hilliard and SWCS were open.

Meanwhile, I was still seething over yesterday’s work event, but felt significantly better after my run. Mindy had my eggs ready like usual. I opted to skip shoveling the snow off the drive figuring it far better for Mindy to drive on snow than on the slick sheet of ice just underneath. Wise move! Mindy & Bella departed at their usual time. Jacob played Wii. I was ready to go by 7:45am.

My Trooper had about an eight of an inch of tightly bonded ice top to bottom. I knew it would take a good ten fifteen minutes for it to thaw. I planned accordingly and warmed it well before I would’ve otherwise. Jacob and I walked to the bus stop at 7:55am. There we greeted the Schultz’s like most other days. The bus arrived around 8:03am and after a short conversation with Pat, I was on my way to work.

I had a 9:30 interview scheduled like most other days. I had about an hour to prepare and catch-up on other responsibilities ahead of it. I also chatted with a pier/friend for a while. I felt much better after our chat. The morning moved at a wickedly fast pace. We were in our staff meeting at 11 and out around 12:30pm. That only served to accelerate the rest of the day. As the day wore on I felt better and better. Nothing keeps me down for too long.

I left for home a tad earlier than usual, but after all, I did skip my lunch. I left at 5:10pm. The company still won. I stopped to get Mindy some roses to complement her other Valentine’s Day gift. I figured she and I would celebrate tonight since it was a Mindy Wednesday. While picking up her flowers I got the kids a card and candy too. Lindsey called earlier so I returned her call. She wanted me to pay her car insurance until she gets a new job. I refused citing numerous reasons. She wasn’t happy about it, but I feel strongly that it’s time for extra tough love. She’s got to learn to take charge of her own life. She’s 24 and has never paid for her own car insurance.

Once at home I let Mindy know that I was bringing in her gifts. I went back to the Trooper to retrieve the red roses & the Godiva chocolates. While I walked Ykraps she found me a gift to complement the Cheryl’s Cookies she already had delivered to me at work. She got me an 8X10” digital picture frame. Cool toy!

Mindy warmed our dinner – leftover roast beef. It was again very good. She had to leave even before I was done cleaning up. She had choir practice. The kids, she said, would be home around 7:15pm. I had about 40 minutes after she left. During that time I logged onto my work PC to attempt to complete some work that I couldn’t get to from the office. During that same time i gave my mothe call. I hadn't talked with her for several weeks. She caught me up on all of her doings as well as brother Charles'. After that I played some Wii until the kids got home around 7:20pm.

Once the kids were home we all three played Wii golf. Bella’s pretty good. I convinced the kids that it was pajama time around 8:10pm. We were all done just as Mindy returned home at 8:25pm. The kids were able to stay up just a few minutes longer before Mindy and I tucked them in. Because I had such a poor night’s sleep Tuesday, I was eager for an early bed time. We headed up just after 9pm.

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