Monday, May 31, 2010
Hello Summer!
I was up early, especially given that it was a holiday and another day off work. I was up and downstairs by 6am. The sky was mostly clear with temperatures still in the mid 60s. I exercised, made coffee, and took Frankie out back. And just like I had done both Saturday & Sunday mornings, I headed out to the deck to relax and read.
While reading, a stiff wind kicked up from behind (west). Turning to see why and what, I was surprised to find dark storm clouds moving in quite fast from the NW. I picked up Frankie and headed inside. Not five minute later all hell broke loose. A big thunderstorm rumble through complete with wind, lightning, thunder and heavy rain.
I snuggled up in the family room chair to continue my reading all the while the storm played itself out. It rained for a good hour or more. Mindy finally got up around 10am. And a little bit later I headed out for a run, but only after the rain stopped. It was incredibly humid and warm. I don’t think that I encountered another soul out and about.
After my run I decided it a good time to put down new fertilizer, since the stuff with weed killer is best applied to a wet lawn for better adhesion. I had two kinds, some with weed killer and some without. I planned to apply the Scott’s with weed killer to the large area I reseeded fall of ’08 that has its share of broadleaf weeds and clover scattered in amongst the thick new grass. However, except for a few other small problem areas, the rest of the lawn remains largely weed free. No sense polluting it with weed killer. Because of the heavy rain, there wasn’t any need to water flowers. A day off so to speak.
We made plans to have the boys for the afternoon. We said around 1pm. Mindy headed off to run some errands and eventually to the grocery around noon. I planned to fetch the boys after a shower and some food.
Because it was the last day of May, I wanted to redeem my $.50 per gallon savings at the Kroger pumps before heading to pick-up the boys. To that end I left the house around 1245pm and headed to the Georgesville Rd Kroger with gas pumps. I filled the Trooper for $1.92 per gallon. I pulled up to fetch the boys around 110pm.
As I came barreling down the street, I noticed Courtney’s van (formerly Mindy’s) in Kelly’s driveway. Off to the side were both Kelly and Courtney hanging out in the front yard. That's my first Courtney sighting since she pulled away from our house angry last September/October. Unfortunately, she’s harboring some bitterness, but for exactly what, we’re still not sure. Both she and Kelly scurried away just out of my sight like school girls.
Lindsey came out immediately to handoff the boys with a sheepish grin on her face the entire time. She glanced towards the side of the house a couple of times, as if to indicate that both Kelly and Courtney were just around the corner. I laughed off their childish act. But that's Kelly, always setting a poor example for how to handle problems. Hide from them!
The boys were quickly loaded and buckled in. We headed towards home. It rained a time or two along our brief drive. The boys were a little wild in the door, and since I was the only one home to try and manage them, it seemed a struggle. They got me a little flustered in a hurry asking for this, needing that, and running somewhat amuck. I had to raise my voice a time or two to reel them in. I felt bad, but it worked. Thankfully, things calmed down fairly quickly. Soon Mindy was home from the grocery, and having her there helped immensely. I helped carry in the groceries. The kids wanted some of the goodies they spotted right away. Mindy made a rule, no goodies until everything was put away.
Jimaken dropped Bella and Jacob at home a short while later. Mindy called our neighbors to ask if they were interested in cooking out later at our place. They were. Lucky for us, the weather was showing signs of clearing out, and every time the sun came out it got really warm and sticky in a hurry.
Mindy bought more of those Kroger gourmet burgers that were a big hit a couple weeks ago. That’s what we were grillin’. I started the grill around 5pm. Mindy whipped up some baked beans and bought some mustard potato salad as sides. I sipped a honey raspberry ale while grilling. The ale was good and the weather steamy!
Enjoyed the food. The kids ate outside on the deck. The boys hardly touched their food. One gets the distinct impression that they eat nothin’ but hand-to-mouth junk food at home. After dinner Jacob pressed Kenny and I to play kick ball. Kenny declined. I eventually agreed to play.
We played for almost an hour, enough time to work up a big ol’ sweat. Mindy clarified that I’d be running the boys home. Yes. I loaded the boys into Honda around 730pm. During my drive back home it rained ridiculously hard. Almost pulled over along Hague ave. Thankfully, it didn’t last long. Looking at the weather forecast, it appeared that we were in for much of the same for the next several days.
We got the kids ready for bed over the next 30-60 minutes and had them tucked in by 9pm. Mindy & I headed to bed by 10pm.
Sunday, May 30, 2010
Hilltop Swim Club, Graduation & No CBC
I was awake well ahead of anyone else. It was still before 7am. I freed Frankie from her overnight accommodations then started the coffee making process. While coffee brewed, I headed out with the dog.
It was another lovely morning with temperatures hovering in the mid 60’s under totally clear skies. Because it was Sunday I didn’t plan to do calisthenics. Instead, just coffee, stretch, and run. Like the day before, I enjoyed my coffee from the deck and on the chaise lounger. So nice! Sometime around 8am I was joined by Bella and Kaileigh, who after a brief greet, took Frankie out in the yard to romp around.
Mindy got up around 9am, and after some coffee started prepping a Sunday family-style breakfast consisting of bacon and pancakes. While Mindy started that, I readied for a run. I’ll bet I headed out at 930am. I ran the usual 3 mile Sunday trail out along Trabue and down Hague ave. I noticed the golf course parking lot was full. I ran shirtless again.
As one might expect, I was hungry upon my return from the run. I enjoyed a number of pieces of bacon and then a few pancakes. I tooled around in the yard some while the kids played. Mindy made plans to take the kids to the Hilltop pool, its inaugural weekend, around 1230pm. And for the first time since last Memorial Day weekend, I vacuumed out Mindy’s Pilot just before they left.
I took care of a number of small but nagging chores while Mindy & the kids were gone. They weren’t gone long at all. They were back before 3pm so that Kaileigh could be picked up by Shelly, her step mom. I was outside with Frankie when they got home. And it wasn’t too much longer before Shelly showed up to pick-up Kaileigh. She had Sienna with her too. She’s very cute. They stayed for about 20 minutes.
Not long after they left, Jimaken showed to pick-up the kids again. He was taking them to a Clippers game and keeping them overnight. Mindy & I had plans to attend a graduation party for a former student of hers, but were still undecided about whether we’d be making the trek to Johnstown to yet another graduation party for our friends, Mike & Julie’s son.
We headed to the first grad party in Grove City around 530pm. I’d been to this house before, two years ago in fact, when Nicole's older sister graduated. Mindy talked with another educator through most of our relatively brief visit. In their discussion, what I found interesting was their methods for motivating/steering their children the right direction. Strict!
It was after 7pm when we left, maybe closer to 730pm. Mindy phoned Chrissy to let her know that we weren’t gonna make the drive up to Johnstown after all. Instead, we decided on a dinner stop at CBC. We arrived after a short drive. Unfortunately, CBC was closed, apparently because it was Sunday, a point that both of us kept forgetting given the holiday weekend. It didn’t take us too long at all, however, to conjure up a back-up plan – Barley’s.
Monica was working the bar. Haven’t seen her in a very long time, her or Thad. She served us up our favorite drinks, me a West Coast IPA and Mindy a Great Lakes Stout.
We eventually ordered food. I ordered a Texas burger while Mindy went with their brisket nachos. My burger was delicious. I drank two beers. Mindy only one.
We headed home just before closing, 9pm. Honestly, we didn’t do a whole lot once there. Both of us were tired. We went to bed early. Old, I guess.
Saturday, May 29, 2010
I was up early, shortly before 7am. It was gorgeous, sunny and very warm. I took Frankie out then started some coffee and completed my exercises. And since the morning was so incredibly nice, Frankie and I took up refuge on the deck. I took along coffee, a book, and my guitar. I sat under one of the deckside shade trees on the chaise lounger. Just a perfect day!
We sat outside for almost two hours soaking up early dappled sunshine. I carried out a make-shift water bowl and a baggie full of dog food for Frankie. She appreciated both. I decided not to rush to run. Instead, I took in all the morning had to offer. I would run soon after Mindy got up.
Mindy didn’t get up until 10am or so. She joined us on the deck. By then, I had the Soundscapes music channel piped outdoors. I checked the hot tub. Still holding at 102 degrees and full. Good news! I readied for a run somewhere near 1030am. I ran in shorts only (no shirt), running the usual four mile trek.
Mindy headed up for a shower and to ready for the graduation party she planned to attend. I thought that I’d head back out onto the deck for more R&R, only this time with Mindy’s laptop in tow so I could do some writing for my blog. However, when I unplugged Mindy’s power cord the laptop went dead. I tried it again until I realized that it was plugged in with the wrong adapter, Jacob and Bella’s HP cord. I then tried the proper Dell power cord only to discover that it was totally dead. I had to scrap the idea of using the laptop from the deck.
I did more reading until Mindy was out of the shower. I then asked her about the laptop. Said it hadn’t been working for a while but found that the HP cord worked on her Dell. Great! I wasn’t pleased.
Later, she confessed that Frankie bit into the Dell power cord rendering it useless. Didn’t want to tell me because she knew I’d be mad. Yep, I was mad alright, but not so much because of the problem but more so because I was kept in the dark. What does that teach the kids? If it hurts don’t tell? I didn’t want to discuss it any further. I was incensed.
Mindy soon left and I got busy with lawn chores, whacking, edging, cutting, and blowing. I had the lawn looking pretty good after a couple hours of hard work. After mowing, I thoroughly watered all the flowers front and back. Jimaken brought the kids home around 4pm. Mindy still wasn’t home, but we expected her anytime. I headed in for a shower in preparation for the family birthday party being held at Mindy’s younger brother’s place.
Not sure what time it was when Mindy got home, but I was ready to go around 430pm. We readied and left around 515pm. We had plans to pick-up GD Kaileigh after the party or on our way back home. The party was well underway upon our arrival. I think it officially started at 430pm.
The gathering was fun, helped along nicely by the gorgeous early summer weather. We enjoyed a variety of eats, subs, potato salad, seven-layer salad, chips, etc. We played a little backyard volleyball, too. Soon after cake and gifts we headed off to pick-up Kaileigh. Must’ve been near 7:30pm. We’ve seen Kaileigh only one other time since Xmas. In fact, her Easter basket is still resting on our dining room table.
Just as we were pulling up in front of the house brother Tommy phoned on his way home from Marysville. Planned to stop by for a rare visit. We haven’t seen him since Mindy’s birthday party at Barley’s, and that was almost three months ago.
I decided to run the irrigation system zone #1 to further water the front yard flowers and lawn. Tommy pulled up just after I turned it on. He walked right through one of the sprinklers paths. At the same time, Kaileigh and Bella came running out and asked if they could run through the sprinkler. Why not? It was still very warm and sticky.
Tommy asked to tour our yard. OK. We eventually congregated on the deck where he and Mindy each had a glass of wine while I sipped a honey raspberry ale. The kids came out announcing their hunger. Mindy cured that by agreeing to order a couple Domino’s pizza.
The two Domino’s pizzas showed up 30 minutes later. I wasn’t that hungry but ate a couple slices anyhow. Hey, who can resist pizza? Tommy must’ve stayed for about an hour and a half. After he departed, we got the kids ready for bed. The girls requested that I blow up the air mattress. I obliged. They asked for bedtime stories too, stories about when I first met them. I spent about ten minutes sharing those two events before joining Mindy, who was already in bed.
Friday, May 28, 2010
Hot Tub's Up & Runnin' ... Again
I got up shortly before Mindy. It was something like 610am. I headed downstairs to start some coffee since I failed to prep it the night before. What can I say, it felt like a weekend to me. I opened Frankie’s pen but she chose to linger. No worries. I left her there while I made coffee. She crawled out while I rinsed out the coffee pot and sat watching me. Short on coffee, I headed to the basement for another container. I returned only to find Frankie peeing under the dining room table. I was angry.
I took her out immediately, but the damage was already done. I guess my four day weekend would begin with cleaning up puppy pee.
I kicked the intensity level down a notch or two heading back inside. I was determined to enjoy my time off. I did my morning calisthenics, meditation, and stretching just like any other morning. I played on the PC while waiting on Mindy and the kids to come down, and then more so after Mindy left for school. I didn’t plan to run until the kids were safely on the school bus.
Meanwhile, it looked like another gorgeous day in the offing with forecast calling for sunny skies and temperatures soaring into the mid 80’s. Mindy joked around about me joining her for lunch, but I had an aggressive agenda as it was. After my run, I planned to replace the hot tub heater and possibly even stain the loose deck benches. I needed to book our tee time too. Kenny and I talked about 130pm.
The kids were on the bus at their usual time. Promised Kenny we’d hook up later. I headed back home to ready for my run, but took Frankie out one more time first. Good move! She did both # 1 & 2.
I ran just three miles wanting to leave some gas in my legs for golf. It was an easy three miles under ideal conditions. I ran comfortably without a shirt. Take that Chris Spielman!
Back at home I wasted little time getting organized for replacing the hot tub heater. I left Frankie out on the deck while I did the work. It must’ve taken about an hour to finish the job completely. It’s a rather simple task, but the tight quarters made it a bit more difficult. I was eager to fill it with water and give it a test run. It’s been out of commission since late last fall.
While the hot tub filled I gathered up the stain, brush and drop cloth and got the three redwood benches stacked for staining. I had to shew Frankie away from the stain a time or two. The last time tapping her behind so she’d get the NO message. She got it!
It took about 20-30 minutes to fill the hot tub. By then I had two of the benches stained. Time to power up the tub. Fingers crossed, I plugged in the external disconnect. Voila! It appeared that we were back in business. The water temp was a cold 72 degrees. It would take a number of hours to get up to the normal operating range – about 102. Another problem is a slow leak. It also has a siphoning problem that can drain it overnight.
I really should’ve cleaned out the bottom as there is quite a bit of grit in the very bottom. I’ll do that after it runs good for a solid week. While refilling, I discovered that the filter is damaged too. It’ll need replacing as soon as possible, but again, only after proving it in good working order. A new filter runs about $80. I don’t want to buy a new one if the tub is toast. At that point, all I could do was wait.
I finished the staining then put all of my tools and gear away. It was almost noon, and time to get showered up for golf. I forgot to mention that I made a tee time for 150pm at Phoenix. I called Kenny to confirm who’d be driving. He volunteered. Cool. We made plans to hook up just after 1pm. I made a sandwich and got cleaned up.
I was ready to go by 1240pm. I took Frankie out for a backyard walk and then tidied up the kitchen. Kenny pulled up right at 1pm, but just as he was walking up the guy interested in buying his motorcycle called to let him know that they were close and on their way. He was supposed to be there around noon. Kenny wasn’t happy. I told Kenny not to worry about it. I called Phoenix to let them know that we’d be late.
The buyer showed up around 130pm. And after a quick exchange of cash and title they were off on the bike and we were on our way to golf. Wahoo!
We arrived near our tee time, but it was well after 2pm by the time we tee’d off. Kenny picked up my greens fees. Thanks Kenny! There didn’t appear to be anyone on hole number 1. That made us happy. By the time we tee’d off it had to be 85. There wasn’t a serious cloud in the sky either.
I was putting from inside 10’ for par, but missed and bogeyed. Hole #2 is a simple looking par 3, but I rarely play the hole well, especially with my chronic iron troubles. This was no exception. I hit one into the heather between the tee and green. Damn! I hit three from the tee box just right of the green, no doubt over compensating. On in four then a two putt six. I closed out the front with a string of 5s and 6s with a par sprinkled in. I shot a 48. Not great, but not terrible either.
The back didn’t start well. Somehow I managed a nine on hole #10 after an OK drive. Not sure what went wrong. Bad chipping and putting. Like the front, I strung together a bunch of 5s and 6s. And like I have all season, I struggle mightily with the par 3s averaging 5.5. My total score was 103. We didn’t finish until 630pm.
I phoned Mindy along our drive home. She was keeping an eye on the Chrissy’s girls so she could run Jake to church camp. She was watching Woody too. Kenny called Chrissy. We made a pit stop at the Minelli’s drive-thru for beer. I fetched Mindy a bottle of wine too.
Once at home, I was quick to head up to the shower. Mindy came in the back door just as I was heading up after confirming plans to do dinner at Barley’s. I was ready to go 15 minutes later. It was nearing 730pm. We walked Frankie out back before heading off in the Honda.
We discussed our holiday weekend plans during our short drive to Barley’s. We have a family birthday party late Saturday afternoon. And Mindy plans on attending a graduation party earlier in the day while I do yard chores. Then there’s another graduation party Sunday afternoon. Mindy wants me to attend that one. All totaled, not a whole lot going on. We made plans to have GD Kaileigh over Saturday night. Bella was really excited about that.
Barley’s wasn’t too crowded. It’s getting to be that time of year when the weekend crowds thin with everything else going on. Finally posted their IPA-looza 2010 date, Thursday June 24th. Wahoo! It always seems to fall on the Thursday before we leave for vacation.
I ordered a Centennial and sat at the bar while Mindy ran off to talk with friend Calvin and one of his work peeps. Steve Wonn was there as was Scott & Linda. We talked some. We eventually hooked up with neighbors Dave and Becky who frequent Barley’s often too. We ordered food mid-way through our visit, me some KC wings, and Mindy a salad.
My second and third beers were West Coast IPAs. I picked up the tab leaving behind a more than generous tip.
We headed home around 10pm. We talked about hot tubbing but ended up visiting with the neighbors instead. Mike O. was over too. We got a kick out of Chrissy’s soon-to-be 12 year old son, Jake’s most recent antics. Chrissy apparently entrusted him with her cell phone while at a church bible study, although with strict guidelines on its use. No texting. He sent only 167 while there. Needless to say, Chrissy was furious.
Mindy started to dose from the neighbors’ sofa. She asked that we head home. Mid beer, I agreed and we walked home. We headed straight to bed.
Thursday, May 27, 2010
Hot Heater Smokehouse

I was up just before 530am feeling well rested and ready to take on what would be the last workday of the week. That felt good to say. Work's been insane lately. Having four days off in-a-row was just what the doctor ordered. I took Frankie outside to relive herself after another clean night in her pen. It was again warm and clear. Very summery.
Inside I completed 55 sit-ups and push-ups. I read a few news stories while enjoying some coffee then moved to meditation. That went OK. After 5 minutes of meditation, I started stretching. That felt great, too and was just what I needed. I was a few minutes ahead of schedule. I took Frankie out for a second go around. Next, I poured coffee and took it and Frankie upstairs to Mindy. Frankie is always happy to see Mindy.
I headed back downstairs to get ready to run. I was out the door by 635am, and after a quick stretch from the stoop I was off on my four mile trek. The sun has moved much since daylight overtook darkness at the same hour. Now, the sun rests roughly 15-20 degrees above the horizon and slightly north of our street. I can feel it's warmth even at 635am. The run went well. As soon as I was back I ran the front sprinkler zone (zone #1) while we ate breakfast after noticing some stress in the front lawn. It's definitely time to set it to autopilot.
Mindy was gone at 730am and the kids and I headed off to our usual tasks, me to the shower, Bella to tidy her room, and Jacob to contemplate the universe(?). Off to the bus stop at 755am. We took Frankie along on her leash. Kenny left Woody inside. I shared that this was my Friday and we discussed further the possibility of Friday golf. In fact, at that point, I still thought Thursday evening golf might be in the cards.
The kids now on the bus, I headed back home to let Frankie out back for another try. She went with purpose, as if she knew this was it until much later. I left for the office at 815am. It was a gorgeous morning, one I appreciated fully as I slowly made my way into the office. I knew there was a good chance that I wouldn't see the light of day until 530pm or so.
The work day was busy, just as I expected. But even in spite of the tough work day, I managed to get away for a lunch. Planning ahead, I had the blown out hot tub heater in the BM'er resting in an old Kroger bag. I drove to All Season's Spas, which isn't more than a mile and a half from the office. I walked around the store checking out new spas before inquiring about a new heater. I found the latest model of ours, a Sundance Cameo, on sale for a measly $9500! Holy cow!
I found my way to the checkout counter where Jason, I think that was his name, spotted the old heater protruding from my Kroger bag and took it upon himself to ask if I was there to get a new one. Yep! He went to retrieve one from the back. Returned a minute later. It was $262 plus tax. I asked a few questions, namely about the owner, Pat F. Guess he's now living in California. I then asked about the warranty. I was surprised at his answer, which was no warranty with self installed parts. Ouch. I took a double take. He said if I had questions I could talk with Kelly, the business manager. I took him upon the offer.
Kelly seemed nice enough and after some back and forth kindly offered to provide a 2-day warranty, basically providing me the security that if it were dead for some reason after install I could bring it back. Sounded fair to me. I felt a tad better.
I headed back to work arriving around 145pm. It was steamy, about 86 degrees. It would eventually reach 88 under sunny skies. The afternoon moved along at a decent clip. I stayed focused on the task at hand. Mindy called sometime between 330-400pm to inquire about golf, more specifically, whether or not I was going after work. I shared that I wasn't. Bob I. emailed early morning that he was too busy and thought he'd be working late. He also shared that he and M.A. were heading out of town for the weekend, so he wouldn't be available for weekend golf either. I was OK with not golfing after work. I already had plans to golf Friday with Kenny. And since it was a kidless Thursday, Mindy & I made tentative plans to visit Barley's instead.
My boss cut out early. I ended up staying until 530pm catching up on lots of dangling tasks. Believe me, it felt so good to pack up and head out come 530pm. I was off to celebrate summer for 4-days.
I drove straight home after briefly toying with a stop at Kroger for a bottle of Jack. I decided not. At home Mindy was doing some laundry in an otherwise quiet home. The kids had already left with Jimaken. We headed out after I took a minute to freshen up. I was still in work mode but the feeling quickly abated. I didn't dare take my Blackberry.
Not too crowded for Thursday. We took our pick of the many barside stools. I ordered a Centennial while Mindy ordered a stout. And just as we often do during the week, we ordered food quickly knowing we had limited time. I ordered a brisket quesadilla while Mindy went for a Lonestar, a brisket based sandwich with cheese, onions, and horseradish. I drank just one beer while Mindy had two. I planned to drive. Mindy picked up the tab.
We weren't home long before I headed out to water flowers. I was feeling kind of lazy but the flowers needed a good soaking, especially after the day's mid-summer type heat. The kids got home around 8pm. At that point, we were still out back with the neighbors. After finishing the watering, I enjoyed another cold beer, this time a Great Lakes Pale Ale.
Like any other school night, Mindy got the kids ready for bed and we tucked them in near 9pm. I stayed up after Mindy headed to bed. I was the only one off on Friday. I could afford to stay up a while longer.
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Moving Butterflies
I was up within minutes of 530am then soon outside with the dog. At that point, I still had sleep in my eyes and a foggy head. It took a few minutes to truly wake up. By the time I was back inside it was already 550am. Geesh! I whipped out my sit-ups and push-ups, 55 of each fairly fast. I spent no more than five minutes online before moving on to meditation and stretching.
I did my meditation from the deck. It was awesome. A rising sun, birds singing, and all the greenery. Frankie hung nearby but left me alone. I moved back inside to stretch. There she chewed on my running ballcap the entire time. Before taking her up to see Mindy, I took her out a second time. She hasn’t gone overnight in her pen all week. We’re making progress on that front.
By the time I dressed for my run and stretched again outside it had to be 635am or slightly after. It was gorgeous – about 65 and sunny. I ran four miles with no trouble.
Eggs were waiting my return. The kids were excited about school. Today was field day, a day when the entire school has outdoor activities and treats for the kids. As Bella explained, hers was in the AM and Jacob’s in the afternoon. Hmmm? Mindy left for school around 735am. Before leaving she left a check for Rachel, house cleaning day, and reminded the kids to get off the bus at home. I headed up for my shower just a few minutes later.
I left Frankie play in our room while I showered, trusting her not to pee. She waited just outside the shower for me to reappear. Bella came in after her once she was done with her daily bedroom chores. Bella’s very good about making her bed and tidying up her room before leaving for school. Jacob tries but his effort doesn’t come close to Bella’s.
We headed out with the pug on Sparky’s old retractable leash. Control-wise, it works a whole lot better than the old fashioned kind. Woody was out on his leash, too. The two of them got themselves tangled beyond belief while going at it. We must’ve untangled them a half dozen times before the bus arrived. Kenny and I discussed tentative plans to golf Friday afternoon. I’m off work Friday. Wahoo!
After the kids boarded their bus Frankie and I headed back home. I took her out back once more where she took care of business again too. I left for work at 815am driving the BM’er. It was another lovely drive in. I spotted sister Jodi exiting at Fishinger Rd just like me. I suppose she uses that route getting to work. That being the case, I find it odd that I haven’t seen her before. I honked and waved.
Work wasn’t too bad. One of my peers was visiting from our Manila NOC. We spent quite a bit of time with him leading up to lunch, which I had forgotten about and didn't mention to Mindy. She made me a lunch. We headed out to Bravo near noon.
We asked for an outdoor table on their sun soaked patio. I ended up under an umbrella. My boss, not so much! I ordered their chicken BLT and a bowl of tomato bisque. Everything was delicious, including the lemonade I washed everything down with. I got a to-go box for my leftovers.
Back at the office I ended up giving my leftovers to one of my team members, after she shared how hungry she was. I was full. Sadly, about 30 minutes later my peer visiting from Manila bought the entire team pizza. After declining to partake early on, I eventually caved and had two pieces.
The afternoon was as busy as ever. I didn’t get out of the office until 540pm. Just before leaving work, I shared with Mindy that I wasn’t hungry. No need to worry about dinner. Meanwhile, that was music to her ears. She was busy working on year-end report cards and appreciated not having to stop to make a formal meal.
Once at home, I quickly readied the next day’s coffee then changed into my ‘planting’ attire. I headed out back. I offered Jacob the opportunity to join me planting vegetables but he ended up running off to play with the neighbors instead. The first thing I did was transplant the butterfly bush to the Sparky bed from its former location against the south foundation. It came up easy. In fact, almost too easy, which was very telling as to why it hasn’t done too well in that location. There were next to no roots on one whole side of the bush.
I trimmed the existing roots back a little after digging a new hole over Sparky’s grave. Bella, Makayla, and Emily gathered around. Makayla asked if she could see Sparky since she didn’t get to see him before I buried him. Too cute! I knew he was another foot below my current dig, but played along. At one point I encountered old weeping willow tree roots and proclaimed I’d encountered his bones. She pushed the others aside to get a look. I quickly shared that I was only joking. The kids weren’t so sure, however.
Next, I planted the new yellow knockout rose bush in the same area. That went quick. Looks nice. The kids lost interest and moved on to other things. Jacob brought me my shed keys so I could get the tomato cages and support poles there in storage.
I moved to the eastern facing flower beds where I like to plant both peppers and tomatoes.
Before planting the tomatoes, I fetched my cordless drill and an 18” bit to drill pilot holes for the stakes. That worked well. I planted six tomato plants; three Roma and three Pink Girl. Next, I planted some bell & habanera pepper plants nearby. Last second, and running out of room, I decided to plant the jalapeƱo peppers out in the Sparky bed next to the butter fly bush.
The planting left me itchy and sweaty. It was still very warm and humid. I spent the next 30 minutes watering in the newly planted vegetables and then all of the annuals both front and back. Watering is very, very relaxing. Tedious, but relaxing. Even though I just cut the grass on Sunday, it already needs it again. I have some spots starting to show signs of stress too, though. Mostly around trees where the competition for water is fierce. I thought I might activate the irrigation system later. I’ve had it off since that dry spell ended in late April. It was after 830pm when I finished my yard work. I have lots of spring tasks still on my list. Keeping the yard looking good takes a lot of work.
I headed in for a shower. I heard the kids and Mindy come inside just as I was preparing to enter the shower. At Mindy’s request, I left it run for Jacob. By the time I was clean and in my PJ's I was again hungry. I snacked on some barbequed Frito’s. They're so good, and subsequently difficult to put down. While the kids showered and readied for bed, I updated my blog through Monday.
Before heading to the family room to frolic with Frankie, I played guitar for about five minutes. As soon as I hit the sofa in the familyroom I started to dose. That’s what happens when I finally relax. Next thing I knew, Mindy was asking me to tuck in the children. I had the Science Channel whirling but was only half interested in the program, How It’s Made. Sorry, nothing on the Universe tonight.
After tucking in the kids I returned to the sofa now much more awake. It was only 925pm. Mindy said she was whipped and was heading to bed. Measured my interest. I offered that I would be up shortly preferring to nest there with Frankie for another 30 minutes or so. I love to have time to unwind and relax. I didn’t mention it, but sandwiched in between the yard work and my shower, I got involved with a couple nagging work matters remotely. That never helps elevate my mood. I headed to bed just after 1010pm.
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
BM'er Range
I was up at 530am and downstairs a short time later. After eye drops I headed out with Frankie for about 5-10 minutes. She took care of business right away but wanted to frolic around in the lovely predawn weather. It was clear and had to be in the mid 60s. Very, very nice - summery!
Inside, I completed sit-ups and push-ups sandwiched around enough PC time to check the weather and a few simple headlines. These days, I need to be very deliberate with my time lest I fall quickly behind schedule. Over the next 25 minutes I enjoyed coffee, completed meditation and stretching, then took Frankie out for a second romp. It was almost 630am by the time I had Mindy’s coffee delivered.
I didn’t get out the door for my run until 640am, a few minutes later than what’s become the norm. I ran scantly clothed in shorts and a tank. I was perfectly comfortable. I ran the four miles without any trouble whatsoever. My knee hasn’t barked in almost a month. For that I am very grateful.
Everyone was up and in fairly decent spirits, although Mindy seemed a little hurried. She apologized for my eggs being slightly over cooked. I didn’t complain. I did, however, register a complaint about the strawberries. Tasted vinegary to me. Mindy left a few minutes late. I headed up for a shower.
Frankie hung out with me in the master bathroom during my shower. We were ready ahead of 755am allowing me time to straighten up the kitchen even before heading out to the bus stop. Jacob made sure Frankie was on her leash. I felt safer with him having control of the puppy rather than Bella. She means well but is too young to understand.
After the bus picked up the kids I took Frankie home for another romp in the back yard before penning. That effort again bared fruit. I made sure to transfer my golf clubs to the BM’er hoping to hit the driving range at lunch time. Off to work on another gorgeous BM’er day!
Work was busy but at least somewhat manageable. I made it a point to escape for lunch just after 1pm and head to the driving range. I headed for the grass tee’s. It was warm and sunny, and about the smallest crowd there all season. I left my driver and 3-wood in the car. I planned to work on my irons exclusively. Again, I caved and bought a jumbo bucket. Being realistic, out of the 120 balls I hit, 85-90% of my shots were fine, and only two or three with the same results I frequently produce on the course.
I did alter my grip about halfway through and that seemed to produce a ball flight similar to what I was accustomed to prior to this nagging problem. After altering my grip, I was literally nuttin’ my mid irons up through the 4. The altered grip allows my hand rotation to be more fluid.
I ended up hitting the entire jumbo bucket of balls. And afterwards, I wandered over to the chipping green to practice a couple dozen chips shots. I did extraordinarily well there, too. I'd been gone now about an hour. I casually made my way to the car and headed on back to the office.
The afternoon went by in a hurry, and I made it a point to leave the office on time. It was just after 530pm when I headed for home. I remembered Mindy saying we'd be having tacos the night before. I was still hoping that the case. I was surprised to find my dad's van in front of the house. She hadn't mentioned anything about him being there earlier.
Noticeably sunburned, I asked where it came from. Dad shared that he'd been up to the river on his boat all afternoon. Said it was unusually crowded, and had perhaps the longest wait ever when pulling out. I chimed in that it was the first really nice boating day of the season, 85 and sunny. Not too surprised.
He shared news about Shawn, and how his life is spiraling downward. At this point, my only comment was he better not come around my place. I/we've written him off. I recommended dad do as much too. Not to be callous, but instead for his safety.
We enjoyed the tacos. I believe Jacob has his usual two big burritos. I had two tacos. After clean-up, I prepared to head out for some planting. Bella and I planted some of her sunflower seeds in an empty egg carton and then planted the rest directly into flower beds, some along the backside of the house and still others out by the tree swing.
Dad left for home after we finished planting the sunflower seeds. Me & Bella took a flat of begonias out front to plant in the bed between the house and the sweet gum tree. We worked as a team. Bella declared this a father-daughter bonding experience. Too cute! Makayla hollered as they drove by. She joined us a minute or two later and helped finish the planting. Both girls were into it. That made me happy.
After we finished planting the girls ran off to play. I went ahead and watered in the fresh plantings along with all the other existing flowers. It's a good habit to get into, and like I've shared before, a very relaxing experience.
After the watering was completed I headed in for a shower. We tucked the kids into bed near 9pm. Mindy and I headed to bed early, near 930pm. I was exhausted.
Monday, May 24, 2010
Somewhere Ykraps is Smiling
It was another gorgeous morning. I was out of bed and downstairs by 535am. I released Frankie then fumbled with eye drops and starting coffee, something I forgot to do the night before. Soon she and I were outside milling around the backyard. It took a while, but she eventually took care of business. It was lovely outside, about 64 and clear.
Inside I completed my exercise routine then quickly perused headlines and email. By 605am I was engaged in meditation, and then stretching at 615am. I headed out a second time with Frankie before taking her up to Mindy. I left for my run at 635am wearing shorts and a sleeveless wicking shirt.
It felt good to run with summer attire. I ran hard and ran well completing the four miles by 712am. I returned to find my breakfast ready and waiting at my usual spot. I was thirsty, chugging about half a glass of water before hand. I asked about fresh fruit. Yes, in the fridge. I retrieved three containers, one each containing watermelon, strawberries, and pineapple.
Breakfast was as good as ever. I was awfully hungry. Mindy helped both kids with their hair then left for work about five minutes late. A little behind myself, I didn’t get up to the shower until 740am. I moved even faster than usual and was downstairs ready to go even before 755am.
The kids leashed up Frankie and out the door we went. Kenny was out with the girls. The pugs wrestled in the driveway, their leashes tangling numerous times. They remind me of sumo wrestlers. Soon the kids were off and Frankie and I headed back home. I planned to drive the BM’er with such a gorgeous forecast in the offing. I prepared accordingly. Driving the BM’er changes the exit strategy slightly.
Sweet drive into the office. Last second I took a right at Roberts deciding to take the back way into work and up Old Dublin Rd. There were reports of a huge delay on I-270N due to an accident. The back way is much more fun anyway, especially in the BM’er. The delay on Wilson Rd alone was already enough to make me about 10 minutes late. No worries.
Work wasn’t too bad - busy, but manageable. If the morning went well, I planned a trip to Lowe’s at lunch. I had our empty propane tank in the BM’er’s trunk. Turned out, I was able to get away just as I had hoped. At Lowe’s I did a propane exchange and also picked up some rat/mouse poison pellets and a new MR11 bulb for Mindy’s fountain. I like to keep a box of the poison pellets in the guts of the hot tub and another in the garage. I need to price out deck stain but didn’t bother. I wasn't planning to buy it then anyhow.
I’ve been wondering why we seem to run out of propane much sooner than past. I noticed that the propane exchange tanks are only 15lbs. Used to be 20lbs. I headed back to the office after being gone about 50 minutes. I was back just ahead of 2pm. I spent a good hour or so meeting with my boss after eating my packed veggies and tuna.
And just as they often do, I things got busy as the day wound down. I felt the pressure. Luckily, I was able to manage my way out of the building on time. I phoned Mindy on my walk to the BM’er but hung up prior to driving. Don’t like to chat on the phone while driving the BM’er, standard shift and all. I arrived home at 550pm. I noticed gas was down around $2.41 per gallon. That was of little consequence, however, because the market took a huge hit over the last couple of days. For me, I need to see a thriving stock market and low oil prices. Yeah!
Mindy was already busy with dinner when I got home. We were having spaghetti. I commented that I guessed tacos. Spaghetti isn’t a meal that comes to mind when it’s 85 degrees. Makayla was dining with us. Seems Kenny & Chrissy drove to the nursery to get more flowers due to rabbit damage.
While Mindy put the finishing touches on the spaghetti, I tested the new bulb in her fountain. Even though I hoped not, I had a suspicion that it wasn’t the bulb, but instead the underwater fixture. Much to my liking, it wound up being the bulb. Cool!
It was time for dinner. I took Frankie out to pee while everyone else got started on their spaghetti. Bella came to help get Frankie back in the house. The spaghetti & meatballs was tasty. Mindy made fresh garden salads along with a fresh loaf of French bread too.
Mindy made Jacob a grilled cheese in lieu of spaghetti. Come ot think of it, I like him a lot better as grilled cheese. :) Honestly, though, I think they’re at an age where they should be eating what’s served. I’m so mean! The kids headed out to play after dinner. I was eager to get some planting done myself, but before any of that the kitchen needed cleaned up. I thought briefly about asking Mindy, but didn’t. She helped a little. It was 645pm by the time clean-up was completed. I headed upstairs and quickly changed into attire more suitable for the warmth and planting.
I planted white petunias around the two main rear beds and then some impatiens out front center. Afterwards I watered all the flower beds by hand, front and back. It’s amazing how quickly things dry out after all the rain we received through last Friday night.
It was just after 8pm when I had all of my tools put away. I’ll most likely be planting through the Memorial Day weekend with vegetables, a rose bush, and two and a half flats of flowers still to sink. That puts me right on par with most years past. It’s a process. Speaking of MD weekend, I’m looking forward to a long 4-day weekend. Wahoo!
Inside, the kids were just finishing up their bed time snacks and readying for tuck in. Mindy insisted on an 830pm bedtime after both struggled getting up earlier that morning. The way I throw my entire body into my work, I really could’ve used another shower, but chose instead to wash rag off. In the end, it probably took as much time as a shower.
I tucked in the kids on demand. Bella wanted a story. I made one up that closely mimicked the antics of she and Jacob. She found it funny. Back downstairs I tuned to the Science channel watching three back-to-back episodes of How the Universe Works. Excellent show! Do check it out. Mindy couldn’t hang and headed for an early bedtime – about 920pm. I stayed up until 1030pm enjoying popcorn and TV with Frankie.
I learned that Frankie loves popcorn. She went crazy when she got her first whiff. I broke the pieces into smaller, puppy sixed bites. She was in over-drive. Too funny! Somewhere I have to think Ykraps is smiling!
Sunday, May 23, 2010
Royal ...pain in my ... American


Saturday, May 22, 2010
Power Washin' Frenzy

I was up just after 7am. I was hoping to discover sunshine, but what we had were lots of lingering clouds. However, the forecast promised clearing skies later with only a weak chance of widely scattered showers beforehand.
Frankie and I soon headed out back. The edges of the rear flower beds were still underwater and the rest of the yard swampy. Over the next hour or so the sun peaked out from behind the ever-thinning clouds giving hope that more stable sunshine was on its way. I had a full to-do list, and many of the chores dependent on dry, if not sunny conditions.
But clouds or not, it was the weekend and in the end, I was happy to have a couple days to recharge. For the next hour or so I got my blog all caught up. As 10am neared the house remained quiet. I poured Mindy some coffee and then took her the pug.
After a good stretch I headed out for my Saturday run. It must’ve been in the low 60’s and the humidity really high. I was soaked head to toe with sweat by run’s end. It felt good though. Mindy was up by the time I was back. She played with Frankie and worked on her grocery list. It sounded like she’d be heading off to yoga and then grocery shopping. With most of my chores dependent of better weather, I decided it a good day to powerwash the front porch and deck. That I could do as long as it wasn't thundering and lightning.
After fooling around inside for another hour or so, I headed out to start power washing. Mindy left for yoga just before I headed out. I put Bella on pug patrol. I had one heck of a time getting the power washer started. I got out the manual to make sure I was using all the controls properly. Finally, after about 20 attempts it started. I power washed the front porch first removing the mossy green build up that forms there annually from lack of direct sunshine. And since the opportunity presented itself, I power washed the Trooper too. The front wheels needed it badly. They were caked in brake dust.
It must’ve taken about 30-40 minutes out front. After a short break, I toted it around to the deck. I power washed the horizontal surface of the deck first, and then the four stackable deck chairs. That took some doing. I had to stop and refuel once. I made a couple careless errors carving figure 8s directly into the treated wood decking with the high pressure wand. I’ll try and sand it out after it dries. No biggie.
The kids were getting bored playing inside, and despite the clouds, it was getting fairly warm out. Must’ve been about 73. Jacob discovered the steps I built down to the pond a couple years ago for easy watering access – the old pond pump days. He called it his new fort. He played down there getting ridiculously muddy.
Mindy got home a short time later. She didn’t bother asking for assistance with the groceries. I didn’t know she was home until Bella came out and advised. Soon Bella headed out with Jacob to play along the pond in the mud. What a muddy mess.
After finishing the power washing, I fetched Mindy’s deck fountain from the shed and got it cleaned and running. Unfortunately, the light wasn’t working. Wasn’t sure if it was the bulb again. In any case, I got the pump running.
Next, I added a dual hose diverter to my rear water supply so I could have a separate hose caddy on the upper level of the deck which will make watering the deck pots and hanging baskets that much more convenient. That took about an hour. It was mid to late afternoon when I finished. The sun came out and pretty much remained out for the rest of the day. Expecting summer-type weather for at least a week (80s and sun).
My last significant task was to head up on the roof to clear the gutters. For the last week or so, with each bout of rainfall, we had a waterfall flowing over the gutters. I knew there had to be a back-up of some sort, especially around back. Sure enough. The gutters were filled to the brim. The downspout screens were clogged with cotton wood fairies, which now looked like slimy green goo. I cleared them all, though the back was by far the worst. Come 430pm. I was done, spent, exhausted. I needed/wanted a shower.
The neighbors were having a family get-together and invited us to partake. Mindy and the kids headed down around 515pm. I wasn’t too far behind, joining her there around 530pm. I took along a selection of beers from our garage mini-fridge.
Lots of food and lots of people. And amongst the crowd of people there were a lot of unfamiliar faces. We hung out with the neighbors until just before midnight having too much fun. Mindy fell asleep with Frankie on a deck bench. I had to wake her to head home. Before heading for home, Kenny and I firmed up our golf plans for Sunday - 1120am tee time at Royal American.
Friday, May 21, 2010
Silly Bands
The forecasters were correct. The lovely weather we enjoyed Thursday was gone as quickly as it arrived. We were right back where we’d been for most of the last 7 or 8 days – gray skies with the expectation of significant rain with temperatures struggling to reach 68.
I was up at 530am and quickly had my routine underway. Frankie and I carried on with the morning like most others. After two trips outside, exercise, coffee, stretching and meditation, I took Frankie to Mindy so I could head out for my run. Meanwhile, I was so thankful that it was Friday. I needed a weekend like never before.
I ran four miles like usual, finding myself back at home near 715am. Mindy had my eggs already prepared and waiting. Even thought the temperature was in the mid 50’s it felt warmer due to high humidity. The kids were wearing shorts I noticed. Mindy must’ve relaxed her short wearing policy. :)
Mindy left for work at 730am. I took Frankie upstairs while I showered. I wore the new purple t-shirt mindy bought me a couple weeks ago. It looked good – soft and snug! I was determined to do everything within my power to help Friday become a good day at the office. To aide in that effort, I packed my iTouch.
It was raining come bus time. Jacob and I shared an umbrella. Bella had her own. I took Frankie out back for one last romp before heading off to work. Work was busy, but I was hell bent on not allowing it to overrun me. To that end, I planned a hair cut for lunch time and left the office around 1pm. I decided on Saturday’s. My wait was next to none. She already knew the drill: clippers sides and back. She asked how much length off the top. About an inch, I replied. By the time she was finished, my hair was as short as it’s been in a couple of years. I didn’t say anything. It always grows back. In fact, I still tipped her well.
No additional stops. Straight back to work. It rained on and off through the afternoon. Work got a little crazy here and there but once again I did my best to keep it at bay. After a crazy week, I asked my boss about leaving a little early, but only like 30 minutes. He was cool with it. I didn’t bother calling and telling Mindy. I left the office at 505pm. It’s sad that that felt early, but that’s how it’s been lately.
Looked like Dena’s minivan parked in front of the house. Yep, she and Noah were over for a visit. Mindy and Dena were sitting in the living room chatting quietly as I entered. After a brief meet & greet I headed on into the kitchen/familyroom. There sat Noah and Jacob but not making any eye contact or conversation. It dawned on me that the two of them were at odds with one another. I casually made my way back into the living room where Dena asked if the boys were talking. No, I shared. Noah, looked sad but willing. On the other hand, Jacob was doing what he often does to me, looking the other way and not speaking.
Unable to endure the chilly silence, I asked the boys if they wanted to throw the football. Too wet, Jacob replied. Noah, of course, said yes. Hmm? How about cards? I took a deck cards out of drawer and into the family room and asked if either of them knew how to play 52 pick-up. Nope? Well, let’s play then. They both said yes.
The result got a chuckle out of them both. I picked up the cards and said I’d teach them how to play Black Jack/21. Both were willing. Soon we were engaged in cards and having fun. I knew the girls would appreciate me helping to break the ice. What I didn’t know was that that was the sole purpose of the visit. They purposefully left the boys in the room together insisting they work out their differences.
After about 30 minutes of Black Jack the boys wanted to stop, and so did I. I stretched out on the familyroom floor flat on my back. I eventually drifted off to sleep. When I woke, Noah and Dena were gone. Hmm? Must’ve slept a little deeper than I thought. Of all things, Mindy and Bella left to go find silly bands, a new fad for kids that are little more that colored plastic rubber bands in various shapes and worn as bracelets. I heard they’re selling packs of 25 for $5! Mindy said earlier that we’d be getting pizza with the neighbors, but I thought she said she’d order them when they got home.
I played the guitar for about 30 minutes, something I haven’t done much of at all lately. Funny how that happens. Frankie seems drawn to my strumming. I found her coiled up next to my feet while I played. Meanwhile, it was raining at a good clip, and probably more so than any other point during the day. Any hopes I had of it clearing out earlier than predicted were dashed.
Mindy & Bella returned with silly bands and pizza, I’m guessing it was around 7pm. The neighbors were supposed to join us, but weren’t yet over. I was hungry and quickly dug into the pizza. Kenny & Chrissy showed up with the girls about 20 minutes later. To help lighten the mood for everyone, I put in the first Austin Powers movie. Forgot how funny it is. Still amazes me that Mindy hasn’t seen any of the Austin Powers movies. Around 8pm Kapil and Poebena came over with Isha.
While we yucked it up inside, there was one heck of a thunderstorm rumbling away outside. I took the pugs out, both Woody & Frankie, right in the middle of a heavy downpour. Lightning and thunder was flashing and clapping too. Scary! With all the rain we’ve had, this is the first major thunderstorm in quite a while, and only the second all season.
Our guests headed home around 10pm. I checked the Reds/Indians score before bed. Reds won. Cool!
Thursday, May 20, 2010
Sunny with a Chance of Flowers
As required by my contract, I was up at 530am. I was still extremely tired but knew the feeling would be fleeting. After brushing my teeth and heading downstairs, I was already well on my way to shaking it off. I freed Frankie whose early morning behavior was noticably subdued. She and I headed out back for her first romp. It was crystal clear but also chilly. I later learned that it was only 47 degrees. She took care of business rather quickly.
Inside I threw on my running shoes, albeit loosely, then started my exercise routine. After 55 sit-ups and 55 push-ups I quickly checked the temperature and then morning headlines. I poured some coffee. It was 555am. I sipped it quickly then started meditation and stretching. At 620am I took Frankie out for romp number two. She used the time wisely.
It was after 625am by the time I delivered her to Mindy’s watch. By then, Mindy was already mid-shower. I put Frankie in the soaking tub. She started whining immediately. She hates being in there. I dressed and left for my run at 635am.
It was nice to run under clear skies and a rising sun. Been a while. I ran my regular route of four miles. Felt terrific.
Back at home, the kids were downstairs dressed in shorts, the first time permitted to wear them all week. The high was forecasted to approach 77 with sunshine. Unfortunately, Friday now looks like another rainy day in the upper 60s, but after that it looks like the segue to summer.
Before Mindy left for school, she asked if I planned to golf after work. The week I’ve had – you’re dang skippy! She expressed hope that I’d come home in a better frame of mind. Probably deserved that. She left just after 730am. The kids and I carried on with our morning routines as normal. I was off to the shower with Frankie. She spent another 5-10 minutes in the soaking tub while I showered. She wasn’t happy.
Jacob handled Frankie on her leash at the bus stop. Chrissy had Woody on his leash too. The two of them got tangled up several times while wrestling. Meanwhile, it was so dang beautiful, sunny skies and temps already near 60. Gorgeous! Frankie and I headed back home after the kids were off to school. I took her out for one last romp. I so wanted to stay home but knew I couldn’t. I left for work at 815am.
Work was busy from the second I sat down to the minute I left for lunch. It was coming fast and furious but I was determined to get away for a while just to maintain some semblance of a positive attitude. I headed to Strader’s, a sure-fire pick me up destination. There, I picked up two more flats of annuals - a flat of impatiens and begonias, a flat of vegetables – tomato and pepper plants, two more of these trailing flowers for the deck pots, and lastly, a yellow knock-out rose bush especially for Mindy. I had just told her that knockouts didn’t come in yellow. New this year, I guess. I spent about $60 – not too bad.
I thought about detouring to Wal-Mart on my way back to the office to look for a simple old-fashioned hose hanger, but opted instead to head straight back. Work was beckoning.
The afternoon was just as busy as the morning. I did my best to remain positive and sunny. I sent a quick email to Bob I inquiring about golf, which I sorely needed. He responded quickly that he was out – too busy and working/staying late. I know the feeling. Darn. I could’ve called Tom C., but opted instead to use my time otherwise. I figured I could either plant flowers or go to dinner (Barley’s) with Mindy. Both sounded good.
Mindy phoned around 430pm. I let her know that work was busy and that golf was out. I promised to try and leave on time. We made tentative plans to dine at Barley’s. After the week I've had, I needed it.
I tried hard to get out of work on time (530pm) but that just wasn’t in the cards. I was there until 615pm or later. I called Mindy just ahead of 6pm and then again along my drive home. We still planned to do Barley’s. We had until 8pm.
By the time I arrived home, Mindy was all ready to go. I just needed a minute or two to freshen up. We were out the door by 640pm. I was still I in work mode but at least I was away from the office. Barley’s was packed! We got the last two bar side seats. Apparently some big group around back.
Janet was working the bar. She guessed me a Centennial. Yes, please! Mindy had a stout of some sort. Didn't hear her order. As with most Thursdays, we ordered food right away being on a somewhat short leash. I ordered a Texas Burger with a side of their new potato salad. Mindy ordered a brisket quesadilla. Our food came quick and it was scrumptious. I made fairly quick work of mine. I stuck with just the one beer, and Mindy did the same. We stayed long enough to eat and enjoy the one beer. That's it. Mindy picked up the check.
We headed home around 740pm. First thing I did was I carry all the flowers purchased earlier around to the deck. We beat the kids home by about 5-10 minutes. They pulled up just as I was situating the trash can by the curb for tomorrow AM's pick-up. After a fast hug, Bella dashed off to see Makayla. On the other hand, Jacob paid me little attention as he sauntered on into the house and eventually out back to see his momma, who was out there playing with Frankie.
The family eventually headed down to visit with the neighbors, who were collected in Kapil and Peobena's yard. While they visited, I snuck a quick nap on the sofa. Heavenly I tell you! Not sure the time when they returned but guessing it near 830pm. No showers, just jammies before bed. We tucked the kids in around 9pm. Bella insisted I share the story of the first time I met her. I laid in her bed telling her all about it. She was just a couple weeks shy of three when we first met. The story amused her.
Back downstairs I tuned into the Science Channel or one of its peer channels (Learning, Discovery, etc) watching another program about asteroids, this one about the potential for damage should one strike Earth. Afterwards I watched a program about fixing huge machines, the setting Vegas. That was cool, too. Mindy headed to bed around 950pm. I wasn't far behind, joining her in bed directly at 10pm.
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
I was out of bed by 530am. And even though I got a good night’s rest I felt as though I could’ve slept for another hour or two. Been that way for the last week or so.
I freed Frankie and soon headed outside. Wet again, although it wasn’t currently raining. Supposed to clear out tonight and be significantly warmer for the foreseeable future. In fact, this could be the summer spark. Can’t confirm that of course. Frankie took care of business with purpose. Soon we were back inside where I moved through my sit-ups and push-ups.
I spent about 5-10 minutes on line checking the weather, email, and headlines. It was 56 degrees under cloudy skies. After sucking down a quick cup of coffee I did meditation and then my stretch routine. Once I’m on the floor Frankie views me as fair game. Honestly, it’s a little annoying and constant.
I took her for a second go-round just about 620am. Again fruitful. I delivered her to Mindy who was just preparing to shower. After the hand-off I dressed for my run and hit the door around 635am. Despite feeling a tad sluggish, I ran the usual four miles. Upon completion, I took a closer look at my Wave petunias out front. Already have a couple pillaged by rabbits – It’s an annual thing. Pardon the pun.
The house was stirring with activity upon re-entry. My eggs weren’t quite ready, but the wait wasn’t long. I enjoyed my breakfast from my usual perch. Frankie pee’d on the carpet right in front of all of us. Mindy cleaned it up before leaving for work.
Bella took charge of the puppy after Mindy left for work and while I showered. We regrouped in the kitchen a few minutes ahead of schedule. Somewhat out of character, Bella was draggin’ behind with getting in her shoes. She didn’t get out the door until almost 8am. She had Frankie on her leash but was also carrying her. I reminded her to lift the dangling leash away from her shoes.
Chrissy was out with the girls. We joked about her recent trip to St Louis to see her niece graduate. Apparently way out in the boonies. The kids boarded the bus after handing Frankie off to me. She and I walked back home where I gave her one more chance to relieve herself before I headed off to work. Went smoothly. Again, she hopped into her pen happily.
Work was overwhelming from jump. I had a very challenging day, one that left me feeling drained – out of gas. Two positives, the day went so fast I could hardly believe it, and I actually left almost on time, or at 540pm. As I walked to my car I talked with Mindy to share the news that I would be home on time. The sky was starting to clear after 3.5 days of clouds and rain. The air smelt like summer. I closed my eyes and drank it all in. It was heavenly.
I arrived home just after 6pm. Mindy was busy putting the finishing touches on dinner, brats and corn on the cob. Said we ran out of propane. Man, it goes fast. She had to finish grillin’ the brats on the stove-top grill pan. I should probably buy a back-up tank. I was already in good spirits, but when the sun busted out from behind all the clouds I let out a huge gasp. AHHHHHHHHHHHHH!
Jacob & Bella apparently don’t care for brats. Bella had hot dogs and Jacob had salmon. He barely touched it, however, citing not feeling well. He hardly touched his corn on the cob, too. Must not be feeling well. He typically eats two ears. The kids begged off quickly and headed off with their friends.
After dinner I started a slide downward – getting really sleepy. After clean-up I spent a short amount of time online but then joined the family who was making all sorts of ruckus in the familyroom playing with Frankie and watchin’ Nickelodeon, or something similar, certainly not my thing. I plopped down on the sofa.
After getting Frankie all rowd up they all headed their separate ways to presumably ready for bed. It must’ve been about 830-845pm. Not a minute later, Frankie looked at me and started peeing on the carpet. I tossed a pillow her way and hollered NO! I then gave Mindy and the kids an earful for not being wise to her needs/antics. Mindy wasn’t pleased and barked right back.
To my eye and intuition, I could see it coming from a mile away. Why couldn’t they? You run the puppy around the house for 30 minutes playing and then walk away? Mindy thought I should’ve upped and took her out if I saw it coming. In hindsight, yes, I suppose that I could’ve. But this is EXACTLY what I meant when I said I didn’t want to be counted on to be the main keeper/trainer. Quickly, I am becoming just that. Sure, everyone jumps in here and there, but sporadically. It was all I could do not to say something I might regret.
Jacob took charge and carried Frankie outside for a yard romp. Not sure what good it was then, but at least he took accountability and Frankie got the idea. I settled down on the sofa and joined the Science Channel for an evening of their programming. I watched about 90 minutes in total. Each 30 minute segment flowed nicely into the next. I like the way they do that. The first about Einstein’s theory of relativity and gamma-rays, the second about stars and black holes, and finally, the third taking a more indepth look into black holes, and the relationship between Einstein’s theory of relativity and Quantum particle theory. It was my first exposure to a singularity, the point where a black hole's entire mass is concentrated in an infinitely small dense point. Very cool stuff.
I fell asleep at some point, waking with Frankie cuddled up next to me. It was after 11pm. I closed up shop and headed for bed. Good night moon!
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Working Late & Rain
I woke a couple times through the night surprised that I had so much time left to sleep. That was quite nice. I woke for good just after 530am. As expected, I was a little groggy after almost 11 hours of sleep. After brushing my teeth I headed downstairs with running clothes in hand to get my morning routine underway. After splashing in some eye drops I freed Frankie and headed outside for a romp. Frankie was quick to take care of business. She didn’t seem to care for the damp, cool weather.
Back inside I completed my sit-ups and eventually my push-ups – 55 of each. Frankie was full of energy and harassed me through the entire workout. Actually, I was happy to see it after finding her lacking any energy at all the day before.
Between 555am and 620am I sipped coffee, meditated, and stretched. I took Frankie out for a second session before delivering her to Mindy’s side. It was 625am before I had her upstairs. Mindy was already in the shower. She asked that I put Frankie in the soaking tub.
Downstairs I quickly readied for a run hitting the road a minute or two before 640am. I wasn’t raining but there was an incredible amount of moisture hanging in air, and although it was only in the mid 50’s it felt one heck of a lot warmer with the humidity. I ran the four miles without a problem.
Mindy had my eggs all but ready. Jacob was up but seemingly in a daze ready to head back to school after one day of rest. Sounded better- looked better. He actually had his hair managed nicely. I even complimented him on it. Mindy left around 730am and I soon headed up for a shower. I wasn’t too excited about going to work. Another dose of the gray, wet weather wasn’t helping.
The kids and I were bus stop ready early – 745am. Bella got Frankie ready with her new collar and leash. With the few minutes I had before heading out, I scrawled out a check for boat storage. They bill me semi-annually. I was happy to have that out of the way. It had been setting for about 3 weeks. Oops!
Out we went. I asked Kenny and the girls if they were excited to have Chrissy home later that night. Kenny corrected me, telling me that Chrissy got home last night. Oh?
The kids boarded the bus and Frankie and I headed home. I took Frankie out for one more romp. She pee’d. Like most days, she went right for her pen when we got inside. Already knows the fire drill. I headed off to work at 810am.
Work was very busy. I didn’t get a real break of any sort, and long story short, didn’t get out of the office until almost 7pm. It was a long day to be sure. The weather was crappy. It rained on and off most of the day. But it’s not like I was couped up inside on a gorgeous day.
I kept Mindy up to date on my running behind. She shared that we’d be having beef noodles again. Jacob was at soccer practice. She and Bella had already eaten. She warmed a plate for me as soon as I got home. I was ravenously hungry and woofed down a number of Conn’s potato chips while waiting. Bad, I know.
I couldn’t finish everything on my plate, but pretty darn close. My belly was full. All that food coupled with a long hard work day left me very sleepy. I plopped down on the floor with the puppy. I heard Jacob come in from soccer practice. Mindy made him a plate of beef & noodles too. Chrissy visited briefly while I napped on the floor too. Brought Woody & Molly. Crazy in our house for a few minutes.
I resisted the urge to sneak off to bed early again, but eventually fell asleep on the sofa and most likely well ahead of 10pm.
Monday, May 17, 2010
Jacob Sick - Working from Home
I woke at 530am as planned. After brushing my teeth I headed downstairs to free the dog and start my exercise routine. It rained overnight and was still coming down on Frankie and I. We toughed it out.
I exercised with Frankie crawling all about me. It wasn’t easy. After exercise, though, she seemed to slow way down – became a lap dog. I took her out a second time before delivering Mindy’s coffee. I knew Jacob was up sick middle of the night. I asked Mindy if she was sending him to school. Yep, at least at that point.
I proceeded with the remainder of my morning routine heading out for my run around 635am. It rained a little here and there but never too hard. I stayed dry enough. Back at home I peeled off my running shirt that was wet as much from sweat as it was from the light rain. Mindy asked if I would be willing to stay home (work from home) with Jacob. He sounded terrible, and was still moaning and groaning. Yes.
Jacob assumed his mother would be staying home, and despite being ill, said he was going to school as soon as he learned I would be staying home with him. Very cute! Actually, I was a tad offended but didn’t let it show. I simply asked that Mindy please clarify as I didn’t want to notify my boss if my services weren’t needed. Mindy shared that Jacob would be staying home with me.
I let my boss know via email and later IM. Mindy left for school at her usual time. I headed to the bus stop with Bella at 755am. Kenny was there with the girls. I got busy with work as soon as I got back home. Honestly, aside from remaining in my damp running attire, it wasn’t much different than being at the office. Time flew by. I was concerned about Frankie. She slept all morning long and even well past noon. Finally, though, she got up long enough for me to take her out. She hadn’t eaten or drank anything all day long.
Jacob came down from sleeping around 1230-1pm. I asked if he was up for watching a movie. We watched Austin Powers – The Spy Who Shagged Me. Of course I watched passively all the while working from the kitchen table. Much of the humor was over Jacob’s head, but he still found it humorous.
I took a lunch break around 130pm and took a 30 minute nap. I was tired, most likely a byproduct of sitting at my laptop all morning long. For food I ate nothing more than a few chunks of cheese, and then later, and also regrettably, multiple handfuls of M&M’s. I also unloaded the dishwasher before jumping back into work.
The afternoon flew by too. I was startled when Bella came barging in from school somewhere near 4pm. Where had the day gone. Blah! Working from home is not my cup of tea. Of course the bleak spring weather wasn’t helping either. It was rainy and barely 60 degrees. Moreover, it didn’t sound like it would turn or change until possibly Thursday.
Mindy didn’t get home until about 430pm. She shared her ideas for dinner, beef & noodles. We had plenty of leftover roast beef from last Thursday. I stopped working around 5pm and headed for a much needed shower. Dinner was ready near 530pm.
The beef & noodles and mashed potatoes were yummy. I ate two plates full.
I cleaned up the kitchen while Mindy and the kids prepared to watch a movie. I failed to mention that early Sunday morning I moved our DVD player from atop the stereo receiver and behind a glass door to an open air shelf with no active electronics beneath it. The impetus for the move being to resolve the ongoing skipping DVD problem, believing it temperature related. So far so good.
The weather poor, there wouldn't be outside activities. Instead, Mindy and the kids prepared to watch a DVD while I cleaned up the kitchen. Can’t remember the title. I wasn’t in the mood for another movie. I decided to use the time to catch up on some reading. I read for about 30 minutes before becoming overwhelmingly sleepy. I plopped down on the floor in the living room and fell asleep. I woke after no more than fifteen minutes very uncomfortable. I snuck upstairs and into our bed. It couldn’t have been later than 7pm, but I was out for the night!
Sunday, May 16, 2010
DeMonye's Delivers
I crawled out of bed just before 7am. While brushing my teeth I glanced out the bathroom window towards the west. Looked like gray skies overhead. Sadly, the sunny weather from Saturday was short lived. I headed downstairs without disturbing Mindy. It was Sunday – my break from calisthenics. I went right for Frankie, who was sitting, waiting in her bed.
Frankie and I headed outside. The temperature was mild and the cloud cover thin. In fact, there were even breaks of blue scattered here and there, but far more gray than blue. Back inside I started some coffee then headed to my PC to check the weather forecast. Cloudy day predicted but only a small chance of rain with the high nearing 70. Unfortunately, though, lots of rain on the way for the next three days along with temperatures struggling to hit 60. Given the immediate forecast, I planned to get flowers after my run. I found Demonye’s website and verified their hours. Open at 8am on Sunday’s. Cool!
I wanted an early start. To that end, I did my stretch right after coffee and close to 8am. Knowing Mindy wouldn’t want to be woken so early, I returned Frankie to her pen while I left for a run. She wasn’t too pleased. I ran my usual Sunday three miles and chose to stay within the confines of the subdivision. It was a pleasant run, one that I finished well ahead of 9am.
I released Frankie from the pen and made a quick sandwich. I prepped Mindy’s coffee then took it and Frankie upstairs. Mindy woke as we entered. As usual, Frankie was very excited to see Mindy. I shared my plan to go fetch flowers. Mindy was confused, didn’t realize I had already run. Also asked about meeting Ben & Ryan at the Starliner diner, plans we tentatively made last night. I nixed it in favor of what I deemed more pressing matters: I. E. flower retrieval and planting. The day would be busy. We had soccer at 215pm and Sunday dinner at 430pm. Not much time for summer prep. I left the house just after 9am. I took the Honda.
Demonye’s is located just off I-670 and the Cassady Ave exit. You can easily see it from I-I-670 heading east, but somewhat difficult to figure out how to actually get there from the exit, especially the first time. I’ve been there a number of times now and relied on memory which served me well.
Not crowded at all. Perfect. Not only that, but the sun was shining now too. They had oodles of Wave petunias, and in all the colors. This year I wanted 6 flats in all: 3 flats of deep purple (they call it blue) for out front, and then 1 flat of the white for the back, and lastly two flats of magenta for the side beds. Demonye’s is a real landscapers paradise, lots and lots of lovely, healthy plants of all varieties. I kept this trip simple – just the petunias. I’ll need to make a few more nursery trips before our annual planting is complete.
Back home, Mindy was up and sitting at the table at her laptop with Frankie on resting on her lap. I took a couple photos. Mindy agreed to do the deck pots while I planted petunias out front. I got her all set up on the deck before moving out front. I left my long running pants on and also put on knee pads. And taking a page from neighbor Kenny’s book, I filled a bucket with water and Miracle Grow to douse the roots before covering the tender plants with dirt/mulch. I spent the next two hours planting petunias out front and along the west side. The deep purple Wave petunias were a bit stemmy (mature) but should be OK. I could tell that they’d been trimmed back a time or too. I doubled them up using three flats in total in the two front beds. Mindy brought me ice water somewhere along the process. The deck pots were done. Looked nice. Mindy headed in for a shower. I proceeded to plant more petunias along the western side bed.
It was 130pm when I finished up and headed in for a shower of my own. Mindy reheated my Big Fat leftovers and had them waiting in the microwave. They were good. It was already 210pm by the time we left for Jacob’s soccer game. We’d be a tad late.
Lucky for us, we made good time making every light and hitting no traffic snarls. We arrived just after 220pm. Bella must’ve spotted us right away and came running to greet us. And she was very happy to find that we had Frankie in tow. Meanwhile, the game was already underway. We learned that Jacob’s team was already up 2-0. In fact, Jacob scored a goal at our end shortly after we got settled. Thankfully, it was a whole lot warmer than last week’s game. Jacob’s team won 6-2. Unless I’m mistaken, they’re record is 3-2-1 with only one game remaining - next Sunday.
It was 315pm. Mindy explained to the kids that we wouldn’t have much time before we needed to leave for Sunday dinner at 415pm. I planned to take a brief nap on the deck from the chaise lounge. And that’s exactly what I did as soon as we got home. At the same time, Kenny walked down and shared that his sister, Sarah headed to the hospital to have her baby. Now, not only did he have his two girls, but he had his sister’s three kids too. He asked Mindy if she would watch the kids while he quickly went to fetch more mulch. She willingly agreed. Again, I dosed off from the deck and didn’t wake until just before 415pm.
Mindy was already back from helping Kenny. We made final preparations and left for her mom’s place. House looked empty, not a single car in the drive. Odd. I asked Mindy if she were certain about Sunday dinner plans. Yes. She went to the door while we waited. No answer to her knocks. She then called from her cell phone. Turns out, her mom was on the back patio. Didn’t want to leave the door unlocked. Understandable. Told Mindy we should have thought to come around back. Really? Does that ever happen?
It wasn’t long before others arrived. We’re not used to being the first to arrive these days. We hung outside on the patio until dinner was served. Mindy nailed it; we were having sloppy joe’s. We started dinner at 530pm. I remember glancing at the clock after washing my hands. It was very hot in the dining room. I turned on the ceiling fan just above my place setting. That helped immensely. I had two sloppy joe’s along with home fried potatoes and green beans.
After dinner I headed back outside to play ball with Jacob. In fact, most everyone headed back outside. We sat outside chatting until dessert was served. Dessert was Gloria’s famous peanut butter fudge (not my fave), orange fluff, and chocolate chip cookies. I had some orange fluff (kind of like five cup salad) and a handful of cookies (they were small).
After dessert I headed to the living room to veg. Mindy soon followed with orders to prepare for departure. It was almost 730pm. We needed to get home and prepare for Monday morning.
Jacob and I made a deal at dinner. Although the details I can’t readily recall, the end result was that I told him he was allowed to stay up an extra 30 minutes. He asked if we could throw the baseball for a few minutes before his shower. I agreed. He fetched both gloves and a ball. We headed out back. Mindy and Bella soon followed with Frankie and walked over to see Kenny, who was out with all the kids as well as Woody.
We hung outside until almost 830pm or until it was too dark to safely throw the baseball. I started the shower for the kids while changing into my own PJ’s. I retreated to the sofa after tucking in the kids near 9pm. We watched some Learning Channel program about woman having babies late in life – late 50’s early 60’s, and one as old as 70. We watched to its conclusion. Weird! We headed for bed soon after that. It was 10pm.
Saturday, May 15, 2010
The Lawn, Strader's & Big Fat
I was up at 7am. I went right for Frankie who was sitting quietly looking around from inside her pen. She was excited to see me, anybody for that matter. It was sunny and about 55 degrees – a lovely morning indeed. We romped around outside for about 10 minutes while she did her thing.
Back inside I started some coffee then started my morning calisthenics while also poking around on the PC. I had lots I wanted to accomplish during the day, perhaps too much even. I kept a close eye on the clock not wanting to wait too long before leaving on a run. I knew Mindy wanted to go to yoga, but for that she didn’t need to be up until 11am or after. I was reluctant to wake her too early, however, but I also didn’t have the heart to re-pen Frankie while I ran. She spends enough time there.
At 845am I took coffee and Frankie up to see Mindy. Mindy was happy to see her pug and to have coffee. I offered to take Frankie back downstairs if she wanted to keep sleeping. No, she stayed up. I left for my run just before 9am.
It was gorgeous. I ran four miles. Mindy was up lounging around in her PJ’s and robe. We both headed out onto the deck and eventually the stone patio with coffee in hand. Of course, we took Frankie along too. We relaxed and talked through our day. I had thought I might head to Strader’s to get annuals after my run but decided it might make more sense to go later in the afternoon or early evening. This being the first Saturday after a wet Mother’s Day weekend, I knew it would be packed. Had I been there at their opening then maybe.
I planned to cut the lawn and spread the rest of the mulch during the early afternoon. Mindy was going to yoga, although I had to encourage her as the time neared. Before she left, Mindy potted her twisted hibiscus while I got the deck’s chair cushions out of winter storage in the garage attic. That was all kind of last minute, but the weather was just so nice. We accomplished a lot between 10-11am. Mindy left for yoga around 1120am., about the same time that I got busy on the lawn chores.
I whacked, edged, and mowed. Before getting out the tractor I took a brief break and visited with Kenny, who was out front planting flowers. I played with Woody while we chatted. Neighbor Becky came over asking if I thought she needed to bag her grass. Mentioned that David was out of town. I offered to mow her lawn provided she trimmed around the house and trees with the push mower. She liked the sound of that. It took about 35 minutes total to mow both yards with the tractor.
After mowing, I blew off both walks and drives. Mindy went shopping after yoga – Target to be exact. I got started on the mulching after making a sandwich. I had about 25 bags still to spread. It went pretty fast, probably took about 1.5 hours beginning to end. Mindy got home about an hour into it, and even offered to help, but by the time she was changed into clothes suitable for mulching I was just about done. I took care of a few more small yard chores after mulching while Mindy cleaned the deck furniture. It was only in the low to mid 70’s but felt a lot warmer. Must’ve been the more direct sun and the crystal clear skies.
Despite the warmth and sun, I remained in long black running pants and a long sleeved running shirt. I wouldn’t be sun burned, that’s for sure.
I was dirty and itchy by the time all of my work was completed. I headed in for a well deserved shower. It was already approaching 5pm. The day had flown by. I emerged from a shower refreshed and ready. The plan was to visit Strader’s then head to dinner, although we hadn’t yet picked a venue.
We must’ve arrived at Strader’s between 530-6pm. We were both surprised at the crowd. Moreover, they were all out of Wave pentunia’s, the main annual I came for this trip. Just a little over a week ago they had so many that you’d think they’d never sellout. Damn! I was disappointed but also knew I could get them somewhere else if necessary. There’s always Demonye’s, another favorite nursery of mine. But it’s a little further, out by the airport. I was ready to leave empty handed but decided to go ahead and buy the flowers for the large deck pots. I let Mindy pick the flora this year. She wanted to make sure and get some trailing annuals to complement new guinea Impatiens and spikes.
Leaving Strader’s we still hadn’t agreed on a dinner venue. As I expected she would, Mindy suggested the Big Fat. After all, we’d be going right by. I wasn’t agreeable at first but acquiesced. It was convenient. I wasn’t in the mood for my usual scallops, however. That was more because of my stomach. I thought I might go for a gyro instead.
As she often does, Mindy asked to be seated in Katarina’s area. On our way in, I spotted a feta crusted NY strip as one of three specials. I knew then what I was ordering. I kept it to myself, not sharing my intentions with Mindy. I ordered an Elevator Pale Ale in lieu of my usual Jack & Coke. Mindy went with ice water. I followed my initial instincts and ordered the special, Feta crusted NY strip. Mindy went with her old stand by, Salmon.. We both ordered a small greek salad too, that in addition to the pita and dip. Delicious!
Neither of us could finish our meals –about half eaten, both of us. We got to-go boxes, figuring it Sunday lunch. I picked up the check. We headed towards home but last second detoured to the Grandview Strader’s on King Ave. thinking they might have the Wave pentunias we wanted. Nope, they didn’t have any. Still, the drive through Arlington was worth it – down Cambridge – just beautiful. Mindy sprung for a piece of yard art – a bronze gazing ball on a steel rod.
We got home around 745pm. We shoved our leftovers in fridge and once again headed down to Kenny’s house. We already knew that Ryan and Ben were over for a visit. We really like them. Also over was neighbor Teri. Mike was on duty at the fire house. We had a good time hooting it up. I brought two beers initially but headed home to get two more after drinking those in a hurry. Mindy drank just one glass of wine.
We headed home at 1030pm, or actually Mindy about 15 minutes ahead of me. Our clear sky was gone – a thing of the past. Expecting cloudy skies on Sunday, then rain for three days straight, Monday through Wednesday. Then again, it is May in Ohio.
Friday, May 14, 2010
The Weekend Ahead
I was up and alert by 530am. Straight up, I freed Frankie from her pen and then took her outside to take care of business. It was a nice morning – warm. I cruised through exercise, PC, and coffee just ahead of mediation and stretching. And after a second outing, I took Frankie to Mindy along with a cup of coffee.
It was only 620am. I took my time dressing for a run heading out the door just after 630am. I ran four miles without any drama. My lower back, now almost fully healed, didn’t bark even once. During my run I contemplated the weekend ahead. I was much looking forward to it, still hoping to finish the mulching and begin planting annuals. Before any of that, however, I still needed to cut the lawn, something that’s needed done since Tuesday or Wednesday. The spring rain has prevented me from cutting the lawn earlier in the week. I even toyed with the idea of cutting it after work, but seriously doubted whether I’d be up for that come 6pm.
Mindy had my eggs ready and waiting. She was already preparing to depart. Jacob, I noticed, was wearing shorts with the forecast calling for a high of 71 under partly cloudy skies. On the other hand, Mindy had Bella in jeans in preparation for her trip to the zoo. Mindy decided that because the forecast called for a chance of rain, and the fact that the zoo always seems cooler than elsewhere that it just made good sense. She told Bella to take a medium weight jacket too.
Mindy left for school and I headed for the shower. The kids and I headed out to the bus stop at 757am. Kenny was out with the kids after taking Chrissy to the airport earlier. Meanwhile, we had Frankie with us on her leash. She did pretty good. Kenny signed up to serve as a chaperone for the zoo trip. He’d be paired up with Makayla and Bella.
The sky was slowlyg clearing during my drive into work leaving us under gorgeous sunshine. For the time being, the sunny skies left me in the right frame a mind for a potentially difficult day at the office.
The work day was challenging. Through the morning hours I remained hopeful that I might be able to sneak away at lunch at head to Stader’s to get some annuals, but that wasn’t to be. It was crazy busy start to finish. The bright spot was that at day’s end I could look forward to a weekend away. I ended up at the office until just after 630pm, another long work day. It felt incredibly good to get away when I finally did.
Mindy was at the grocery when I first arrived home. It wasn’t long before she was home, however. The puppy was in her pen and seemingly happy to stay in it even though I opened the door.
I helped Mindy carry in the groceries. Mindy shared that the temp reached into the 80’s earlier in the day. We laughed about poor Bella at the zoo wearing jeans and a jacket. Speaking of her day at the zoo, Mindy said Bella ran into lots of our friends. The first sunshine in a few days, we sat on the deck for a few enjoying the fresh air. Mindy headed in to ready for a night at Barley’s while I tried taking a brief nap from the deck.
After Mindy changed, I headed upstairs to switch shirts and freshen up a bit, too. We left for Barley’s at 7:35pm.
Mindy called and left Tom C. a VM along our drive hoping he might stop in and have a beer with us. Not a ton of regulars but still a typical crowd. We cozied up to the bar where I ordered an Centennial IPA. Both Diedra and Beth were working. Shared stories about their recent cruise. Said Honduras and Belize were the nicest beaches they’d ever seen. Note to self.
We ordered food pretty early, me a brisket quesadilla and Mindy a Barley burger. My food was delicious. Albeit slow, I ate the entire quesadilla. Mindy had only one beer. I drank three. We spent the last hour on the patio with my buddy Doug and a group of his co-workers. Lots of stories. Lots of good laughs. Just before 9pm, Mindy settled the tab and we left for home. Mindy drove.
We weren’t at home long before making our way down to Kenny’s. I grabbed two cold beers from the garage mini-fridge, a CBC IPA and a Great Lakes Pale Ale. Not sure f Mindy took one or not. Think she did. Kenny was hanging out with the kids. We stayed for two beers – not too long. Home to bed around 11pm.
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