1) The Super Bowl match-up
2) Prince - Purple Rain
3) Bears
4) Colts - I think you can tell who won!
Happy 47th (ex) Kelly!
Once again the kids were up earlier than allowed milling about the hallway and our room. I shewed them out once and Mindy again later. They were up and playing noisily around 7am. I rolled out of bed just after 8am. Our room still resembled a disaster area with all of the master closet's contents strewn about in various piles. The contents even spilled into the hallway making it unpleasing to the eye as well. I tried not to look as I stumbled down the stairs to the kitchen.
The kitchen, while not as bad, was not in its usual order either. This put me over the edge! I needed to make coffee but there were a few pans and dishes in the sink from the chicken and dumpling event. In front of me looked to be about an hours work, and I wanted to exercise. Add to that mix a couple of loud children and we had the makings of an unpleasant morning.
Mindy found her way downstairs as I stared at the ugly mess. She could tell I wasn’t pleased. In disgust, I put the mess aside and went about my exercises not wanting to look at it, much less clean the mess. I wanted instant order. The anxiety was mounting. I already felt that my weekend had escaped me by giving my entire Saturday to the closet project. And from my perch, every room in the house was amiss. Anxiety!!!!!!!
After my walk with Ykraps I kept to myself at the PC not wanting to socialize much. I was in a foul mood. Mindy came in to measure my mood and gain some perspective. I decided to share so that she understood the source of my frustration and that it wasn’t her. Although, come to think of it, she was the impetus for most of the mess. :) She understood after I shared my feelings and went to great lengths to rid us of the problem. I readied for my run just before 10am. Before I left, Mindy asked if I was up for a hot breakfast upon my return. I declined.
It was very cold. The temperature was a balmy 2 degrees and eleven below with the wind chill. However, the sun was shining brightly making for a beautiful day and an easy run. Barring the short time the breeze was in my face, it was like a spring day. And once again, I worked up quite a sweat. Mindy had made the kitchen whole again and was almost finished putting all of her stuff back into the closet. The house was almost back in order save for my own closet gear, which lying as it was looked like total excess. Beyond the guilt, I had an undeniable feeling of panic as I stared at the massive piles of clothes. Chaos and clutter often cause me to feel this way. But I realize, too, that the only cure is to get crackin’. So, get crackin’ I did. Slowly but sure I chipped away at the mass of material placing many garments I knew I’d never again wear in a separate pile to be donated to charity. About two hours later I was just about done with the re-org phase. I still had to order the charitable goods and find homes for stuff that had no business being stored in our master closet in the first place. I worked on that for another hour or so. Come about 4pm I finished up. My only regret was not getting a before and after photo.
As dinner time approached, we collectively decided to have chicken and dumplings once again. So, Mindy heated the pot on the stove for about an hour, which allowed the broth to thicken resulting in even better texture and more flavor than when it was fresh. Before I ate, I took Ykraps on his evening walk. It was getting even colder as the sunset. Dinner was on the table when I got back. After we all finished eating, the Super Bowl was less than an hour from kick-off. We joined the pre-game programming in progress.
The game kicked off promptly at 6:25pm. The Bears scored on the opening kick-off reminding us immediately of the National Championship game. And just like that game, the other team won. However, to say the games were similar beyond that would be misleading. It was a competitive Super Bowl and the good guys won! Tony Dungy was once a coach for the Vikings. That should help explain why the Colts are so good! :)
The game meant a lot to Jacoby. Because of this, we allowed him to watch the game from bed. He hung in there until near the end but ultimately fell asleep. We knew before he crashed that school was canceled for tomorrow due to the extreme cold. Before we went to bed it was below zero and wind chills hovered close to 20 below. We went to bed immediately following the Super Bowl programming.
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