Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Coldest day of the year

It was 5:42am by the time I was down the stairs beginning my day. I choked down my One-A-Day then glanced out the back door. The sky was crystal clear revealing a beautiful half moon just southwest of center sky. It looked cold, too! And if memory served me, it was expected to be around 22 degrees. I went about my exercise routine and eventually rounded up Ykraps for our morning walk. Today I was smart enough to wear my winter parka and hand covers. It felt very cold given all the warm temps of late. I could’ve used a hat but I wasn’t complaining. I was plenty warm with my coat and gloves. Back in the house, I poured two cups of coffee and took Mindy’s to our room. She woke just as I placed it on the nightstand. We exchanged good mornings and then back downstairs I went. There, I went through my usual prep process. I made a double batch of tuna fish salad to pack in both of our lunches. A double batch makes four servings, so there would be plenty left for Thursday, too. For breakfast I made fried eggs and cut fruit – pineapple, cantaloupe, and strawberries. Before I could get everything on plates, Mindy and the kids were downstairs milling around the kitchen. I wasn’t in a chatty mood this morning. This seemed to bother Mindy. Nothing was wrong. I just didn’t feel like chatting much. Mindy and the kids soon left. I was left to myself to get ready for work. I took a quick shower and was downstairs ready to go before 7:35am. I remembered to grab the BMV insurance stuff I needed so that I could mail in my proof of insurance. I also packed a check that I needed to cash. I left the house determined to tie up several dangling loose ends. Work was fast and furious. The morning just flew by. By the time our Wednesday staff meeting ended it was 1pm. I wasted little time getting down to the gym. When I left the office the temperature had yet to crack 32 degrees. Once again I wore an extra layer and hand covers. There was a fairly stiff wind out the west that made it feel colder than it was. After I put a wrap on the run, I retreated to my Trooper to grab my insurance card so I could make a copy for the BMV. Glancing at the card as I entered the building revealed that it was last year’s insurance card. Damn! I went back out to see if I had mistakenly placed this year’s card in another zip lock, or something. I couldn’t find it. That’s so out of character for me. I pride myself on always knowing where those records are and keeping everything handy. I must be getting old! This remained in the back of my mind the rest of the afternoon, but I knew I could do little about it while at work. I promised myself that I would look for it until it hurt once home. After a busy afternoon I left for home at my usual 5:10pm. Mindy and I agreed to meet at Ding Ho for dinner. But I needed to stop for gas first. I decided to chance making it to Thornton’s where I knew gas would be significantly cheaper than it is in east Hilliard. I made it to Thornton’s at 5:25pm. The Trooper took 19.65 gallons. Gas was $2.11 – pretty good price. With oil being at $54 a barrel, the price per gallon should be much cheaper if you compare how low prices were the last time it was that cheap. I was at Ding Ho by 5:35pm. Mindy was shopping across the street at Target. She was there to pick-up some cough syrup – no codeine - and a pair of gloves and a new hat for Jacoby. His Xmas cold is still holding on. I sat in silence at Ding Ho for about five solid minutes. There were few customers on board. I noticed the waitresses peaking out, looking for business. Mindy arrived and we were seated quickly. We got the same waitress we had two weeks ago. Surprisingly, she remembered us, too. She said she remembered Mindy for her beauty and me for taking pictures. Too funny! I ordered the same as last time. Mindy ordered something different, but similar. There won-ton soup and egg rolls are to die for. Our meal did not disappoint. We were both more than satisfied. We left, like before, with a ton of leftovers. It was 6:35pm when we got home. I unloaded my running clothes into the dryer and placed my lunch containers on the counter. Next, I leashed up Ykraps for an evening walk. It was again pretty darn crisp and clear. I took notice of how quickly most folks got their Xmas lights down this year. In years past they remained up into February. I suppose all the nice weather’s to be thanked. Just before the kids got home I searched for my insurance card in my 2006 bill container. I found it quickly. Thank God! The kids got home right at 7pm. Before Jim left, Mindy confirmed plans for him to pick Jacob up for school in the morning. Mindy got the kids upstairs and into their pajamas and then into bed. I went up for the read and tuck. They were sound asleep well before 8pm. I changed into my PJ’s and returned downstairs. I was going to tinker with my blog but Mindy wanted some undivided attention. I gave it. She’s was very worried about her doctor’s appointment Thursday. She’s having an EKG to determine if her heart is causing some issues she’s experienced lately. She’s convinced it is, although I think otherwise. Either way, she should know definitively tomorrow morning. Once again, I snuck over to the PC to tinker with my blog format. It’s beyond time for a format change. But Mindy asked for more time and undivided attention. I obliged. She was exhausted from worry and wanted to go to bed. At her request, I tucked her into bed before returning downstairs to read and tinker with my blog format. I read until about 10:10pm then headed to bed.

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