It's not like I got a ton of sleep last night, but all things considered I woke Saturday morning around 730am feeling pretty good. I had a pretty busy day planned, so as usual, staying on task was paramount. After following through with several routine tasks I was able to kick around for a couple of hours before setting out for the day. While I didn't have specific times, I had loose plans to spend the afternoon with Mindy, have a visit with Ashley, and go out pubbing with brother Glenn.
The weather was superb so I decided to drive the BM'er even though it was a little cool. My first stop took me to Tuttle Mall. I hadn't been there in an awfully long time, probably a few months. I wanted to look at coffee makers and pick up some new running shoes. My current coffee maker works pretty well but it's starting to look a little nasty, and my running shoes are way over done! I have logged approximately 760 miles on those puppies. Most "running experts" recommend changing running shoes after 400 miles. I found a new Cuisinart Coffee maker that I really like but in the end I didn't buy it. I guess I realized I really didn't need one. I did need new running shoes, however, and I found the perfect pair at Finish Line. More often than not, I buy black running shoes to get me through the winter and white for spring and summer. This time was no exception. Comfort is king - not marketing hype!
After browsing Macy's and leaving the Mall, I headed over to the World Market to pick up some Pumpkin Ale. While there I picked up a bottle of Shiraz (mostly for Mindy) and some Belle's Pale Ale, too. It's considered by many to be some of the finest Pale Ale in the country. I had one last stop to make before heading home. That was the Walmart Super Center. I had to pick up some veggies and Halloween candy. I also needed gas in the BM'er so I gassed up at their fuel station. Gas was only $1.95 a gallon! Sadly, that was a deal!!!
Once back home, I had about forty-five minutes before Mindy and her kids had planned to arrive. Ashley and her boyfriend, Steven showed up first. Ashley's main purpose for visiting was to get signed up for winter quarter classes online. I helped her out. It wasn't long before Mindy arrived with Jacob and Bella. We had planned to carve pumpkins, feed/shoot the ducks, and have some pizza. Mindy and Ashley had never met.. The introduction went well. Mindy's children were a little tentative but who could blame them. This was their first visit to my home. It wasn't long before they were settled and having fun. To break the ice we went out to feed the ducks. These ducks, however, are so well fed, they didn't want anything to do with the bread Mindy had brought. I guess they only eat Wonder bread after learning how it builds strong bones and bills! The kids weren't too happy about that, but you can't force a duck to eat!
Back inside we began the process of carving pumpkins. It wasn't long before the kids were off playing with toys and watching Shreck on DVD and Mindy and I were left carving pumpkins. Some things never change. The same pumpkin carving mistakes I made as a child have apparently stuck with me into adulthood. I continue to remove the parts that are supposed to stay and leave the opposites. Lucky for me, the kids couldn't care less. Mindy tried to make me feel better by telling me that I had a design that was rated "difficult" or "challenging". Oh, OK. Well, hell, now I feel better!!! :) After the carving fiasco it was time to move on to something that I have become very good at - SEX! Kidding!!!!! No, ordering Minelli's pizza!!! I ordered two. One extra large pepperoni and extra cheese, and one large cheese pizza. It didn't take long either. Minelli's is less than a half mile from my door. I was back with piping hot pizzas in ten minutes. The pizza was yummy! After eating pizza we went out to feed the ducks, but once gain, they weren't hungry. Now it was time to have a little fun with em'. We took the BB gun. I figured I would teach Jacob how to shoot it. He was very excited about the opportunity. They must have sensed what was developing because they all flew away. We weren't to be detoured however. We resorted to throwing walnuts into the pond and making them into targets. Jacob enjoyed it immensely. Probably more of a surprise was Mindy. She had a strange look in her eye when she asked if she could shoot it.. Let's just say that Jacob and I couldn't get it out of her hands there after. She should’ve been named "Bonnie".
After playing cops and robbers it was nearing time for Mindy and the kids to head home. They left sometime around 500pm. We had a really nice time hanging out. I spent the next hour cleaning up my house. I had purposely ignored vacuuming earlier since I knew I would have a house full. That was a good move on my behalf! Glenn called around 630pm to nail down plans to go to Barleys Ale House #1 in the Arena District. (not my normal Barleys). I picked him up around 730pm. Once in the arena district, we found a parking spot within half a stone's throw from the door. Believe me, that doesn't always happen! We bellied up to the bar and order a few beers and appetizers. Their food was OK but it wasn't Barley's Smokehouse quality! There definitely was a difference. We left there around 1045pm then headed to my Barleys (I know, how pathetic is that?). I knew it wouldn't be crowded. It never is on a Saturday evenng. As it turned out, there were only a handful of patrons inside. Two of the patrons were my friends, Thad and Monica. I introduced Glenn to my friends and enjoyed another beer. We didn't stay long, however. We were out of there by 1145pm. Glenn asked me to drop him off at my Dad's home, which I did. I in turn called Mindy and asked if she wanted some company. Lucky for me, she did. We hung out together until just before dawn.
Song of the Day: Run Shoes Running, The Kings
Run Shoes Running(Diamond-Zero)
This marathon is over now
I am withdrawing
You say there is no future but I feel one dawning
I gave too much of me when you were the strong one
My new girl has shown me you were the wrong one
Run Shoes Running
Real fast I fell in love and real fast
I'm leaving
Your black book is this thick so you are not needing
So dry your crying eyes you are affecting
You want to stop my exit and then neglect me
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